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Posts posted by Merquise

  1. [quote name='karu' timestamp='1307779279' post='42030']
    hehe, delete PS that can build Skirmish L9 ?

    you'll see... to successfully (190%+) build Skirmish L9, you need every imaginable and often unavailable shield printed... and then some.
    max % is caped at 160% for my PS and PP. both have significant, for me, amount of shields printed across the levels.

    I'm using a Lucky, so I have total faith in myself :(
    Thnx for the replies folks.

    Looove these missions :lol:
  2. I have a question.
    I have an old L150PW and I'm building a new PS. She's level 100 now, just starting the Agrippa missions (Loooooove doing missions!)

    I'm assuming here that when I do all the missions, I will be able to make the Skirmisher Omega shield.
    I reeeeaaaaaalllllly want that shield.
    No seriously: I REALLY want it.

    The question is: if I did all the missions and been a good girl and all..
    Will I be able to make another Skirmish Omega shield?
    I don't minde spending 50 million credits to get it, I dont mind doing a quest more than once, I just want to know: will I ever be able tomake 2 shields?

    Or is it better to start a second 'fake' PS then do all the missions etc etc then when that second PS gets a Skirmisher Omega, give it to my PW and delete the second PS?

    (Did I mention I reeeeeaaallly want that shield?)
  3. Dunno if it has anything to do witht his thread but still wanted to report that I 'lost' 5 million credits :|

    5 days or so ago I logged in, guildy asked me to buy some comps for him in Paramis.

    I think I had about 3.7m of my own, he gave me 1.5m extra.

    I'm pretty sure I had about 5.2 million when I tried gating to BBW.

    Game crashed, couldn't log in again.

    Today I logged back in and guildy asked me to get those comps.

    I went to Paramis and there I noticed I only had 10.000 credits.

    Weird eh?

    I sold a few things Ihad in vault so he has the comps now, but I wanted to report it anyways :D

  4. Oh I can stand bad graphics. I go back and play PS1 games once a year or so. I'll admit the game has some good imagery but I was hoping some enterprising artist had taken up the challenge of remodeling or retexturing the game. I guess I'm just spoiled by Fallout/Oblivion mods (among other games). Even a game with horrible graphics can still create stunning images.

    Welcome back Rexidus :lol:

  5. I think people are missing a very very very important point....

    Right now in EnB emulator people mostly fly solo, do stuff solo, kill solo..

    I don't think Live was meant that way.

    This is how I think 'roles' were meant in Live.

    Pw = Tank

    JD = Thief

    Terran = Damage dealer/Ranger

    TT = Combat Support.

    PE/JE non-combat support.

    PW's Grav Link skill was not supposed to help the PW, it was supposed to help the JD. GL does decreased manouvrability, helping the JD to outmanouvre the enemy and strike from behind.

    Hence the JD has a paper hull, who needs hull if he doesn't get hit...

    The TE was supposed to 'sit behind' the PW, dealing damage. It;s a classic setup with the TT being the White Mage.

    I'm convinced that hacking and biorepressing was supposed to reduce damage output, just to aid the PW in being a tank.

    The JD psi-shield was supposed to aid the PW, since they get huge deflects for everything except for psi-attacks.

    You know where I;m getting at?

    Back to the poll:

    I like kiting as it is now, because it enables people to solo things easier.

    However.. if EnB emu should go 'live' again and there would be like 1000 people online every time of day (*dreams*), kiting should really get nerfed.

    The NOS device should be removed if EnB goes Live again..

    Last thing: I think the last kite-nerf affects some species more than others.

    For instance: GoBB zapped me real close to death before I noticed my reverse speed had dropped by 150 since last time I logged in... (-500 vs -350)

    That was eehh fun :lol:

    Good move, you folks really scared the hell out of me.

    However... now we're back to the situatie that a JD can eaaasily solo GoBB, a TE can solo GoBB reasonably well, and a PW reaaaallly has to look out when trying to solo GoBB.

    I don't mind speeds being nerfed, but the nerf doesn't affect all species equally.

    I see a JD zap a mob from 8.2k, using eehmm.. DG(not sure) and L9Proto's, they don;t kite anyway..

    TE's still have a foreward speed of 900+ but for a PW going from 500 back to 350.. thats huge.


    @Rabidcajun: GL speed reduction does work I'm pretty sure.

    However I only notice a reduction in speed for a few seconds, and only when I use a 200% Binder Octo (combined with GL5)

  6. Is there a way you can hide yourself in game so nobody knows your online? Even your friends list?

    Don;t think so.

    Only 2 options:

    1: visible for everyone

    2: visible for friends only

    I made a special toon no-body knows of so I can play 24/7, I can watch and observe unseen.

    Has nobody on the Friends list.

    His name is CeilingCat.

    All very hush hush....

  7. I checked the spawn timer for the blinding voltoi as well as all other voltoi in the area. They are set to the default spawn timer which is somewhere between 30 seconds and a minute. I don't know why they would be taking so long to respawn.

    but how are you managing to kill seven 58ish voltoi in 2 minutes? shouldn't they be more difficult to solo?


    I could swear there were only 3 Voltoi when I was there...

    It was last.. Friday I think..

    Maybe it was a fluke then? The server had a reset when I was there for 20 minutes, after the reboot one of my alts died so I self-destructed back to Kailaasa..

    I'll try it out tomorrow, good excuse for me not to go to a birthday I dont wanna go to anyway :P

    Thnx Kenu for checking :)

    I'll let you know what I found out..

  8. Lag should get better soon. Tienbau has been doing some major work on streamlining slow code. As for number of mobs, *shrugs*. :P

    Hope to see you back soon. :)

    I know Tienbau is doing a very good job on tackling the lag :P

    Special thanks to him for all the effort he's putting into it!

    And I;m not talking about number of mobs, I;m talking about respawn time.

    Regular mobs seem to have a very very high respwan time compared to 4(?) weeks ago.

    As it is now, I fly to a cl56-60 spot, kill all the mobs and then I have to wait ~8 minutes (the killing itself takes 2 minutes) before I can 'start playing' again.

    For example, the cl58-60 Voltoi. I've never been able to clear that spawn , and normally hanging in 1 spot would get me killed (slowly.. but after an hour I would normally have lots of hull damage on my PW..)

    But now I can kill every Voltoi and then just 'control the spawn'...

    However I have to admit the are more dangerous now because I seem to get distracted very quick, waiting for the respawn, alt-tabbing and then 45 minutes later I find a dead PW (DOH !)...

    Number of mobs is fine, but I would reeeaaally like to see spawn times decreased by a factor 10 or something.

    I;m pretty sure a few weeks ago spawn times were a lot shorter.. .. or.. am I mistaken?

    ps Wolffishfang I accidentally spaced your Black Caster

  9. Hey folks,

    Gonna take a small break from EnB.

    Lately I find my self yelling at the computer after playing EnB 5 minutes, so thats not good ;)

    2 points that annoy the hell out of me are:

    - The weird lag. (you know: pew, pew, pew, p.........(nothing)....ew, pew, pew) In my twisted mind the pauses between firing are not hours and hours of waiting I find it so annoying..

    - Lack of mobs. Killed the Bio's, had to wait 10 minutes for respawn. Killed the Drones in BBW (near Paramis gate), had to wait 10 minutes for respawn. Last resort: killing Voltoi. Just found out they have a 10 minute spawn timer as well. Tried to get a Bully Eye for friend. 10 minute respawn. Gah ! I can start jobbing but I dont want to job my JD to level 150.

    So, my plan is to log in every now and then to see how things evolve.

    If any of you needs to ask me something, you can relate your question to any of the Terra Nova people.

    Remember this ain't a goodbye this is just a little vacation after 11 weeks of playing EnB 8-12 hours a day :)

    Just posting this so people don;t think I suddenly died or anything like that.

    Add me on Steam: Qw4rk

  10. I'm a PW, played PW most of my time in Live and on the ST4 server.

    I dont think that a JE can win from a PW under normal conditions, with both players equally skilled.

    Sure, JE might get lucky every now and then but normally speaking the JE should not be able to win.


    IF I were to make a JE, and try to kill a PW I'd try it with Coma, as suggested.

    If the Pw has Spitter then JE has a problem.

    In that case I would try the Cube ot Leech and EMP beam combo, with 1 plasma.

    That device/beam combo then combined with warp-in/warp-out technique might yield some victories.

    Cube the PW to kill his shield and reactor recharge. Warp in with lazarus device, zap, warp out.

    JE is doomed of course if PW gets a grav link to hit, but hey maybe JE gets lucky.

    Will take aaaaaages to kill the hull but if you can keep the reactor to 0 of the PW, Je might win.

    Other strategy is level 9 proto beams and DG, combined with Vindis beam focus. Should give about 8.5k beam range (which is rediculous imho...)

    Zap the Pw from a range he can;t shoot back.

    However.. small note: in today's EnB, I'd always equip a Binder Octo. Then use Grav Link 5, with the binder it triggers in like 0.5 seconds, and due to the increased levels the range on GL is about 7.5k.... If GL from PW's work the same as GL from Tengu's (vs players) then anything but other PW's are toast in any arena enviroment. Hell.. in ANY enviroment!

    Last strategy is for JE's to stop selling the ores for PW's to make their ammo.

    After a month or so they are all out of ammo then an army of JE's could kill all PW's.

    Eehh.. unless PE's start mining that is...

  11. Hi,

    I have the feeling that spawn time of some mobs has increased to a rediculous level.

    I;m trying to get a few more CL's for my level 150 pw.

    Normally I kill the drones in BBW, but the spawn time of the cl56-58-60 combo near the gate to Paramis is now 10 (!!!) minutes.

    Also, I have the feeling that the spawn time of the mushrooms and horrors in Odin Rex has increased.

    Also, I have the feeling that the cl50 Bio spawn time is 10 minutes (did not clock that)...

    Please, reduce spawn times! It;s very hard already to find good mobs that can compete with jobbing.

    The way it is now, jobbing should be 2-3x as fast as killing which I think is a shame :lol:

    And as allways: Thnx for EnB !

    Been shooting for 2.5 months now and still lovin' it :D

    • Upvote 1
  12. I'm not a Jenquai but 2 tips: if you can afford it, buy a Devastating Gaze (5 million dreds) from market channel.

    Vaden makes them I think. It will boost your beam range.

    Second: go to Paramis station if your level is high (~140 or higher I think..)

    Talk to the lady in the white dress. Do the mission that has the word 'device' in it.

    I'm not gonna say what the reward is but you'll like it :huh:


  13. Hi folks,

    First of all: sorry for complaining.

    You must be getting tired of people only complaining and not being very appreciative.

    So let me begin by telling you guys do an awesome job, putting so much time and effort in a free-to-play game.

    I can;t express how gratefull I am being able to play this fantastic game.

    Thank you thank you for bringing this game back. Been playing it now for 2 months and still skip work/food/bathroombreaks to be able to play this game 24/7.

    Ok, that said: I been camping GoBB all day, killed it 7 times, died 2x, friends died 4 times.

    Adding the 65 aggro is a nice little detail after the first shock I must say: very nice you scared the hell out of me when I warped int he middle of the 65's and got fried in 2 seconds.

    GoBB is a lot harder now, I like it and so do my friends.


    As I said we killed it 7 times. 4 times we only got a component. Last kill we got Brimstone Shade XMF.

    I also got the level 8 shield 2x ... and tbh the shield is not the thing most people are after. Mostly it;s the PL/Beam/ML...

    My question is: can you pleeease remove the component drops?

    Camping it for so long, then having a very tough battle with many casualties and then only seeing a component drop is not very rewarding.

    Isn;t it possible to make it drop 1 piece of random tech (pl/ml/beam/device/engine) every time ?

    This also would give others the opportunity to camp GoBB.

    I kind of feel guilty camping him all day just to get a ML. I kind of rob other players who do not know his last death-time the possibility to get good loot.

    So, my question: pls change loot tables slightly, no more components. This would prevent overcamping by people like me who are after a very specific item...

    Once I have the ML, I'm not that interested in GoBB anymore and other people could kill him and get a great reward for a great battle :huh:

    Thnx for reading!

    Small edit: someone gave me the ML so my problem is solved :D

    Muchos grazzias my fellow EnB player :)

  14. Hi folks :)

    I did the BB ammo mission yesterday and I wanted to share my experience.

    At first I saw the hefty 'entry fee'... was about all my cash. Had to borrow from my guildfriends (we have a 4 week old, 6-man guild so.. scrape, scrape...) I love this part.

    The text told me to fly to X and bring some friend. Loved it, the suspense .. what will I see when I gett here? cl66 pop-up? Ok that was not the case but the actual assignment was good, hard to get but not impossible.

    I liked that part too.

    The 'flying-around' was very do-able, since it's a high level mission and even my slowass PW can do over 5000 warp.

    I liked that part too.

    But, the part I really didnt like was the 'one chance'.

    I'm a perfectionist, I have to admit. If I have a gun, I want to be able to make the ammo, if I can only make 1 out of 3 sort I feel 'incomplete'. It's like my Pw is gimped, broken...

    Maybe thats just me but that was the part I didnt like.

    My suggestion: make the mission re-do-able. The first time the mission costs X credits.

    Maybe it's possible to redo the mission, for double the fee. And after that 4x the fee... That way, a player always has at least a chance of completing the mission. Sure it might take a week of grinding to get the cash/parts.. But I'm ok with that.

    Just as long as there is a small chance of completion.

    It's hard to express exactly what I mean. In short: missions that have a chance of failing and cannot be repeated are very very frustrating to me. I think the majority of players feels that way.

    I don't know anything about coding/programming, but maybe it's possible to implement redo, with increasing fees?

    That way, it's financially not viable to redo a mission 10x for the ammo-samples because in the end the ammo samples-mission will cost like a kazillion credits...

    grtz Merquise :)

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