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Posts posted by Luctz

  1. Enforcers are gifted with the ability to fight basically anything that they can outrun/outrange.

    In the current state of things, anything makes good prey, as no mobs summon/grav link/outrange/outrun/warp/menace/etc.

    Other things to consider:

    1) You'll need ammo. Closer to a station is ideal. Buy stacks of ammo comps at a time so you don't always need to run to F7. At lower levels you can run dry in an hour or two.

    2) Loot. Your hull is going to fill up with junk, compounded problem depending on ammo load. Fight close to a station.

    3) Hull patching. Again, close to a station is good.

    Some good areas I used this go:

    CL 45+ - Paramis drones. They are non-agro, non-linking (link but don't attack), easy kites. Close to station as well for ammo/loot sales.

    CL 40+ - Grissom Space Patrols. Consistent, safe, decent loot.

    CL 40+ - Cooper/Fish Bowl. Anything here is easy to kite. Get your plague's bite here.

    CL 30+ - Niffleheim. Nags, Vindis, Einherjar. Loot your Type A's while you're here as well.

    CL 25+ - Ragnarok or any other Chavez. Loot your o-guns.

    Places to AVOID:

    1) Antares - lots of crap in here, very cluttered, crappy $ loot, no place to make ammo or sell loot.

    2) Aragoth Prime dragons 53-55 - these cats all link together making for messy kiting.

    3) Any area of low mob concentration or scattered levels. You don't want a field of say 30-39 level mobs, a few of each, and end up warping all over the place.

    There's a rough sweet spot of what your level range vs the mob level for kiting. I'd ballpark around 4-8+ is about ideal depending on your setup. Much higher, you'll get a lot of 0's coming up. Much lower, the xp takes a hit. You can level combat higher than other skills due to the fact that you shouldn't get hit much at all, and your reactor is fine if you can grab a taniwha's, martyr's, steingard's etc.

    Generally if it's 4-8 levels higher, shoot, backup, and enjoy.

    I like to see things like Antares having crappy loot. That's one big factor I have been struggling with while leveling my chars is finding a hunting spot that fits my needs.. except the loot is crap. Thanks!

  2. The problem is that stating them openly like this leads to over hunting, especially when you spam the same message to every profession board. The needs change to if you are hunting for a specific item, what equipment you have for weapons if you want to hunt bios or ships. If you have miners in your team or not.

    The best thing you can do is go around yourself and try different places. Some of these spots are not meant for more then 3 people at a time, others could use 3 groups to pull different mobs.

    Also as the game progresses more mobs will be given the aggro on sight script so that will change things around.

    This is true and a very good observation. I'm still going to compile a detailed list though so that doesn't change much. Places get camped no matter what, in every game. Whether I broadcast this list openly or use it on a small scale is still up for debate I suppose because you do have a good point. The forum admins can delete these easily if they don't like the idea so I'll leave it up to them and up to others whether they want to build on it or not.

  3. this is the type of information that really should never be compiled except in your head, exploring the game and finding those spots are part of the intended gaming experience. this is one of the reasons i encourage everyone to play an explorer class at some point, so that you have an idea of where things are not just resources but stations and mobs as well.

    also please don't post the same topic 9 times, you can put these in more general places, you don't need one in each class forum.

    Thank you for your input. If they want to delete it they can lol. Until then, your opinion isn't worth much.

  4. Heard some rumblings that hull upgrades are causing character data to be erased as of last night. Anyone able to confirm/deny?

    Also noted server is permanently showing "offline" and mission log is broken as well (can only view top 3), while the hidden remain active).


    I confirm. I did a hull upgrade last night on my PW and then logged out for bed. Logged in this morning and he's gone. I'm blaming gnomes.

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