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Posts posted by Coolguy87

  1. Alright so I was able to login to "Host: play.net-u.org" and went to character login. I saw that the server had a 39% population which doesn't fit with my "server offline" theory. I tried logging in and was stuck at the universe/wait screen until I saw the following message:

    "Server Failed to respond to sector login"

    The program then crashed. I tried to Reset Updates and it still didn't work. Port: 443, Secur Auth (SSL) is checked. Local Cert and Debug Launch are both not checked. I don't feel comfortable giving out my local IP but I only have one option. Lastly: Packet Optimization and Client Detours are not clicked. This is really odd because it worked less than 12 hours ago.

  2. Alright so when I open LaunchNet7 I get the update box and usually hit "Play" after the updates have been checked. Today it didn't work and then I notice that something's different... the "Host" used to have four separate listings and now there are a handful. Handful might be pushing it since it seems it's the same three servers listed over and over. I tried to do the first one and it didn't work (play.net-7.org) so I tried the others and got through onto a server but I couldn't log in. The original server (play.net-7.org) is now starting up so I guess it was restarted but I'm curious what all these different hosts mean... are there different worlds now?

  3. Alright so I installed the client and updated it. Now I'm having problems with Net7. I got an error message:

    Following errors occurred while checking for updates - this didn't pop up on its own I had to click the toolbar on the bottom of the client box:

    Error while checking updates for 'Net7'

    Details: Unable to connect to the remote server

    Error while checking for updates for 'Client'

    Details: Unable to connect to the remote server

    I also get the following update then when I click play:

    Error launching client.

    Details: Could not launch Net7 Server. Details: The system cannot find the file specified

    What should the "Client" directory be? I screwed with it but currently have:

    C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\Earth & Beyond\release\client.exe

    Lastly: How do you test the performance?

    I'm thinking that the servers might be down so if this is the case please tell me and I'll shutup for awhile.

    Thanks for setting this up guys, if I end out taking advantage of it you'll have some more donations.

    Sorry one more thing: Should it bet Net7 Single-Player for server and what's the difference between that and multi? Or is it as painfully retarded obvious as I think it is.

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