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Posts posted by SnakePlissken

  1. [quote name='Yargnit' timestamp='1314438287' post='45289']
    What are these tricks to hit 150 in 2-5 days? (Without already having access to a 150 toon)

    Welcome back to EnB.

    Instead of telling you how you should be playing the game, what I see is basically a Time Sink concern.

    As for any tricks, There aren't any tricks to getting to level 150 in that time span.

    Word of warning first. Be prepared for initial hours of sitting there and doing nothing but clicking on gates, stations and NPC's. It also wouldn't hurt, if you don't know any high levels, to post something Flaming, hypocritical or bigoted in nature as a reply to any topic you don't agree with. That will surely get you a guild invite and fulfill any prereq's needed from one of the "Holier then thou" elitist jackass's in the game. Then your all set.

    Again, without telling you how to play, if you so choose, This is exactly how you do it.

    The first 24 hours. Because it's close and completely "OP" and doesn't require any kind of faction at all, do trade runs from Charon/Pluto to Earth, non-stop. That will get you to level 50 Trade.

    Day two. Combat xp in groups has changed yet again. Just ask any of the high levels, going to Antares, if you can tag along. (see above if you don't know any) Level 58 Voltoi should give around 2500 cl xp per kill. 60's should give around 3500 xp per kill no matter what YOUR level is. You don't have to do anything but sit there and watch. If your actually playing a Jenquai, just cloak, you won't have any problems at all. Power Leveling at it's finest.

    Day three. A combination of either of the first two and spill over takes care of whatever Explore you have left to gain.

    In less then 5 days, your level 150 and only leaves you RD faction to gain access to Smuggler's Run (BBW, Paramis).

    After that, all that's left is to spam market for any items you want and soon enough you'll be just like the other sheep flocking to F7 for all the gear you need for free.

    No tricks, just a question of ethics.

    Damn, standing on my soapbox again. :)
  2. [quote name='Lannister' timestamp='1314049646' post='45064']
    I think that is a bit of an overreaction there Cobra. I build more than most anyone, and am far from hounded.

    We always have the ability to hide our online status from non-friends and anytime I am busy and cannot build I tell them that - and never have had any grief about it.

    Whats next - someone sees you in F7 and PMs you to ask a question and they you have privacy issues? It really is all a bit silly.

    Privacy in a virtual world if fictitious at best. It becomes a mantra without a point to the detriment of the game.

    Elrick's point is valid - if you want privacy it is on yourself to create it or opt not to play if the game doesn't provide an arena in which you feel comfortable.

    Lann, I know you build a ton and everyone, including myself, is or should be thankful for the service you provide and time you put into it. No one has mandated that you stand at a terminal and build for hours on end. Not one single person. You made that decision.

    Overreaction, no. As I said, one time was one time to many. I play mainly after you and most of the other "popular" builders have logged out, which would be late night/ early morning for you. Could it be possible you don't see these individuals in game? Besides, What you've experienced in game and what I've experienced are two different things.

    I shouldn't have to set all my channels to off and hide my online status so only those on my friends list can see if I'm on or not, every single time I log in. That's just ridiculous. The only reason I have to do that at all is because I can build certain items and my toons are listed as being able to do so. Furthermore, if I continue to build anything at all and/or add any new builds to my list, I have the chance of being placed on a list that you started. I'm sure you meant well and all but with anything in life or in gaming, there are those that abuse it.

    While you don't look at it as being "hounded", if I've already said that I can't at that time, I don't need multiple tells asking if I can yet or why not. And I surely shouldn't have to go and set all my channels to off to "not be bothered".

    If I don't want to be bothered that badly, yes, I can go play something else. I can't think of one single game that the community or devs WANT you to go play another game, especially Dev's. I mean if that's the case, as far as Dev's are concerned, then why are they even putting time into developing the game in the first place???

    If I was being completely unruly and obnoxious, that would be one thing. In time I could possibly understand why I was being asked to leave. But I'm not doing any of that.

    [Sarcasm button] *engaged*

    What's next? Changing the name to World of EnB? That way we can get all the little kids in game shouting obscenities, sending tells that you suck because your gear score is to low. Then we can start dividing everyone up by race or "Faction" so we can't group with friends who decide to play a certain way or even better, let's get all the people that donate to gang up on everyone else and let them know who runs the server and why. That should get TONS of people playing.

    [Sarcasm button] *disengaged*

    I guess I don't understand why it would be so hard to add the ability to "opt in" to something that could possibly be, and has been, a problem for some. You yourself told me that you started this list to generate some interest in building. Your words "It had its desired effect". Great, you got what you wanted and then some. Now because of it, some people, including myself, have had "issues". I bring it up and all of a sudden it's "Go play another game if you don't like it". Seriously???

    It makes no sense to me, but if that's what you and your "clique" want, keep up the good work. Soon enough you'll have the entire server to yourselves to throw parties in the Disco room and "schwing" your e-peens from one wall to the other. Mission Accomplished again.
    • Upvote 1
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  3. [quote name='Elrick' timestamp='1314013275' post='45031']
    I find it funny that all of these people who opt to use pseudonyms talk about privacy.

    Privacy in a game like this is what you make of it. We do not ask for any personal information other than your e-mail address which is only used as verification to stop spam creation of mass accounts. What little we have is never shared, and in fact we do not use it ourselves unless you opt to get forum notifications.

    In game privacy is much the same - shut off chat if you don't want to be bothered.

    Privacy is your responsibility here.

    I disagree with your statements, and don't find anything funny about it.

    All builders are listed on the net-7 database. With no choice what so ever at all.

    While playing, because my characters names are on a list in which I have no choice in the matter, I have been messaged to build particular items. If I'm not offering to build, that's a privacy issue.

    I've already stated that I received "attitude/grief" when I was not willing to drop what I was doing at that exact moment to build the items. This has happened to me at least twice that I can remember. One time was one time to many and made it a privacy issue.

    If I continue to build, there is the possibility to be included in the "Top Builders" list whether I like it or not. Just another possibility to be hounded to build when I don't have the time or I'm busy doing other things. That's a privacy issue.

    Privacy is NOT what I make of it when character names are openly listed.

    So, Regardless of what name I use here on the forums vs what names my characters have in game, I basically have to quite using an aspect of the game that I enjoy? Not to mention, abandon any characters that currently exist (that can build anything) if I "don't want to be bothered"? Wonderful!

    And to top it all off, as a Dev, your telling us to shut off all channels and have no contact with anyone??? What's next?

    Is Prom back?? ............Waiting for the wall of red text telling us that we are just "connections" to the server and don't mean anything other then that.
    • Upvote 2
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  4. [quote name='Gummy' timestamp='1308261404' post='42203']
    Does anyone use it in its current state? If so, how do you utilize it?

    Power Down on my PS is at level one as well. I use an Energy Sink Octo (Improved PD +4.69 levels), and at the moment, a Sumter VIII shield (Improved PD +74% chance of success).

    I mainly use it to drop aggro when hunting Chavez in Glenn. They always stop attacking and start heading back to their original pathing. This gives me time to start looting and give my shields time to recharge while they are on their way back. Then it's basically rinse and repeat.

    I also use it in area's like Antares. Let the "tank" gain aggro, then start firing. I interpret that as part of it's intended use and it works fine in that situation.

    [quote name='Gummy' timestamp='1308261404' post='42203']
    Anyone have any other ideas?

    A short damage bonus like what Jenquai have with Combat Cloak would be something to consider.
  5. First off, I never said anything you quoted me as saying.

    I have no anger or suspicion, and I certainly don't think I know it all. If opinions and/or frustrations based on facts provided includes any of that, then I guess I'm guilty.

    I'm also not against a top builders list. I just don't agree with the criteria used to generate the results as far as the list itself is concerned.

    [quote name='Ramses' timestamp='1313523055' post='44809']

    Who wouldn't buy a print they desperately wanted if they have the money. You must be kind of arrogant saying that one has to loot something to be a "real builder" as you put it.
    Do you know what a playerdriven economy is? I suggest you head over to EVE and play there for a few years to learn how a "REAL" player driven economy is run and what it takes to actually become a trader OR a manufacturer as that is actually two totally different things.
    Further how do you intend to stop the buiyng your way to the top, do you think that will be stopped by not having a top list of builders by category (where you still can not see who builds what).
    Top lists can be generated without builders being seen on net-7 so your point being what? If it is privacy then ok I can see from where you are coming, however you could still not see what they build so I don't really see how this is breaking privacy specially if the traders have the opportunity to agree on the fact that their prints can be public as you suggest.
    I agree that if builders don't want to have their prints in public it should be removed. Have each player accept if they want it to be public and make the toplist based on that. That wouldn't change a thing now would it? some players would drop of the list but a topbuilder list would still be available, ppl still buying loot to print, same players still building for free, same difficult situation for new builders and so on...What I am trying to say i sthat the situation wouldn't change in any way if you removed the list.

    I'm trying not to sound negative here, but if they are that desperate, go out and find it. Don't post in market "Buying all Level 1-9 items..." to make it on some list, it proves nothing. Also, what you imply is a person looking for a single item, not every item in the game. And that is entirely different.

    Arrogant, no. A different perspective of what a "real builder" is in this game, obviously.

    I do know what a player driven economy is, and I have played Eve. There is no player driven economy in EnB presently and Eve has nothing to do with anything in EnB other then being a space based MMO and having some similarities.

    I don't intend to stop them. If that is their play style, so be it. I don't agree with it and it's not how I play, but that's my opinion and play style.

    My whole point is, being able to see who builds what by default is a concern that should be addressed.

    You basically answered your own question. The only way to generate a list without using information from the server is by the individual player providing that information. That can then be verified by the devs as accurate and published. I have absolutely no problems with that at all.

    If you can't see how this is a privacy issue, then let me explain it. Monkey's can be taught to recognize images. A name on a "top builders" list is, in a sense, an image. This can then be cross referenced on the net-7 db, and through time, every item can be associated with the person that builds it. Not that hard to figure out or understand.

    If further explanation is required, let's say you are MrTopBuilder2U [IWIN] with every item able to be manufactured. I'm hAx0rZx11zeroeleventyone. You just became a target. My mojo is strong and if I can get your account, even briefly, my e-peen just past the moon and could probably reach Uranus. No pun intended (or maybe it was).

    You are correct on the list not changing as it is presently. [u]I am also NOT asking for it to be removed[/u]. However, if this list continues on into the future, it will change. There is not currently a way to block a complete list, thanks to builders per item being available on the db. Which, again, IMO is a privacy issue.
  6. [quote name='Ramses' timestamp='1313495743' post='44765']

    Please remember that most of the players on the list have played the game for a LONG time and there might not be that much to do for them, so this has surely brought new goals and inspiration for some of the "oldtimers".

    Ok, it's true, I did not play actively when the game was "live". I did play all of ST3 minus the last month. I came back a little after ST4, not able to get my original game names back as they were taken, played about 3 months and took another 10 off and am back again finally. So, I have played for a LONG time as well and always have something to do.

    If I want "e-peen' status, I can cite several first's that I can back up through a particular Dev IF he remembers. I doubt he would have forgotten and really doesn't make a difference. Just like this list.

    If "oldtimers" need new goals and inspiration, take it to a private forums and not a list that is posted publicly. Or better yet, make a new toon and come up with a strategy that works well with a less then desirable build. That would gain more respect then, "hey, I bought my way to the top of a list".

    There are already a multitude of games that one can buy their way to the top. Please don't include EnB to this list.

    [quote name='Ramses' timestamp='1313495743' post='44765']
    The discussion if a builders should be visible on Net-7.org is an other topic not bound to this one.

    As I see it, it's directly bound to this discussion. The "Top Builders" list is generated through a live feed from the server of whom can build what, which is listed publicly.

    As I mentioned in my last post, this list shows nothing to do with builders other then how much time they had to do trade runs and how many credits they had to spend on buying items from other players (if they even had to pay for them). "Real builders" [u]find the items themselves[/u] and leave the purchasable items for when and if they are needed and/or are requested to be made. Other then that, they serve no purpose other then an alternate means of having an item until the one you actually want is found. It's like Donald Trump comparing how many Dollar bills he has compared to Bill Gates. It doesn't matter.

    [quote name='Lannister']
    Taking this, or any other part of the game too seriously is a bad thing. Just a little fun, interesting, way to generate some interest in the building community - we need more active builders.

    When privacy is involved, it eliminates the "fun" factor and becomes a serious aspect of the game.

    As far as more active builders is concerned, if you mean that you would like more time playing and less time building, that's a choice you made. No one else.

    As it is now, there is absolutely no incentive for a new player to build anything other then the personal satisfaction of being able to build an item themselves. High level items cost a ton to build. With the "Top Builders" building items for free, why would anyone even consider building them? If your new, you probably can't afford to build items all day long for free. When trying to help the community and build, when the cost of clicking the build button comes up, you get "never mind, I'll have so-n-so do it for free". How is that helping? It's not, so good luck getting more active builders based on the current system the "oldtimers" have established.

    Based on my own personal experience building, I have rarely received any kind of "tip" at all, let alone received what it cost's to build the item. I don't have a problem with that as I'm pretty much set with credits. But, you can see how that would affect ones decision to build "regularly".

    Until there is a better established economy, more active builders is a dream.
  7. [quote name='Lot' timestamp='1313401260' post='44732']
    Personally I don't think the "top builders" list mean all that much now........

    If they want to measure and compare e-peens they can send a tell to each other......

    I would like to see a new type of "top builders" listing .....

    If I didn't know any better, I'd swear you read my recent PM about this exact topic. :D

    I don't agree with this list anyway, and see it as a double standard. When anyone asks why drops are not listed, the explanation is, "It's part of the game to explore and find things on your own". No problems with that at all.

    So, why are builders any different? Should it not also be part of the game to find them too? It's not like there aren't any builders in the game. The ones that want to advertise they build do, it's not a secret and out in the open. As an example, Lann and Vaden have made the decision to be tied to a terminal. No problems with that at all what-so-ever. For most of the community, if not all, it's majorly appreciated and thank them for doing so.

    For builders like myself, I build on my own terms if/when I have the time. Other then that, I build for people when no other builders are available and I have the time to do so. Not because some list says I can. Which leads to at least two occasions where, because of this list of builders on the db, I've been PM'd to build something. When I said I couldn't at the moment, I received attitude about it. That's unneeded stress and a privacy problem.

    If you feel the need to impress people with numbers, show exactly how many of those builds were actually obtained from personally looting them by that particular individual. Not by, "Buying all looted Level 1-9 items at <station name>, Paying well", which proves nothing except you had a lot of time to do trade runs and nothing else to do with the credits you've accumulated over time.

    Also, exclude all items that are purchasable from vendors. These items can be obtained by anyone that wants them at any given time and mean nothing as well.

    I'd like to suggest that builder information be blocked on the database in the same manner mob drops are. With a couple of exceptions.

    Show build information per account, Allowing only that individual access to build information they have on a specific toon.

    Allow that information to be given out as a link (or through the current way to show builders on the db), if and only if that person allows it to be shared publicly.

    Otherwise, open up all the information for all to see and do away with the double standard of, We'll show you who can build what, but not where it drops or which mob drops it.
    • Upvote 3
  8. This is all suggestion and don't know if it could even be done and has nothing to do with how live was. That being said..

    As far as jobs go, one system that works well is the "job" system used in Uncharted Waters Online (UWO), which by the way is a game very similar to EnB but starts out set in the 15th Century and progresses forward in time. Regardless, everything needed for it is already in game, minus the code.

    How this works is, In UWO there are NPC's called "Mediators" in certain cities, located in the guild buildings. Guilds are not player groups, but rather how the Classes are designated. (Guilds in UWO are called Companies)

    Comparing UWO to EnB:

    Job Terminals
    Job Type - Combat, Trade, Explore
    Jobs that can be taken - 6
    Refresh - Time based
    Rewards - XP type/faction/possible loot (combat)


    Guild Mediator
    Guild Type - Adventure, Trade, Maritime
    Jobs that can be taken - 1
    Refresh - Leave city + travel or QMP
    Rewards - "credits"/fame, sometimes items depending on the"job"/difficulty/mob/mob item drop. In particular for items, QMP's.

    Adventure = Explore
    Trade = Trade
    Maritime = Combat

    Mediator = Job Terminal
    Guild GM = Any NPC you could turn a mission in to for completion and/or receive an item reward

    So, the Adventure Guild Mediator offers, you guessed it, Adventure "request's" (Jobs). Trade offers trade jobs, Maritime offers "combat" jobs. These are all eliminated due to the fact that job terminal's already offer all three.

    In UWO you are only allowed one job at a time. There are a few ways to refresh jobs that are offered, which can be anywhere from 1 to 10. They are either through leaving the city and traveling to another, leaving the city and traveling out of site then returning or through what is called, QMP's (Quest Mediation Permits). QMP's are stackable item rewards given after completion of certain request's. Other request's reward items, credits, etc.

    How QMP's work is by clicking them near the Mediator (Job terminal). That's it. After that you can re-target the Mediator and he will have a new set of jobs available. Now,.... the jobs offered vary in difficulty which range from 1 star to 10 star. One star being easy, ten being extremely difficult and almost always require a group. In fact, most jobs over 6 stars require groups at lower to mid levels, which would be a great way to get EnB players together and offer something not in game as we know it. Group jobs.

    Another thing about QMP's is that they are highly sought after, making them valuable (usually around 150k each). It's not unheard of to burn through 40+ to get a particular job to spawn. Some jobs are extremely rare and don't spawn very often. Reason being is that usually the most rare jobs reward Job Permits. This is something that is not part of EnB. Jobs in UWO actually define the Classes by the skills that are associated with that job type. Without getting into all of it, an example would be the Shipwright Job. Expert skill is shipbuilding which gives +1 to shipbuilding. There are favored skills which give a bonus, and normal skills. I'll leave it at that.

    The big difference of the two games are how the jobs are presented. In EnB, all players can see what's available. In UWO, it's per individual. However, jobs can be shared by the group leader and require that the person to be shared with be present in order for it to be shared. The job to be shared will then show up in the first "slot" for all group members to see and accept with a maximum of 5 shares. This would equal a full group and eliminates the possibility to continually share a rare job. Also, members of the group that have accepted a shared job can not share it again. This leads to rare jobs being a money maker of sort's. I've seen some of the semi-rare jobs being offered at 10M per slot. That's actually a lot just to join a group, but well worth it if your looking for a particular job permit and don't have the fame or skill level required. The thing about that is, unless you meet the requirements, you can't complete it even if you've accepted it. Which means, no more requests can be taken until you complete it or you abandon it. Guess it all depends on the reward in relation to your advancement and fun value.

    Another thing that some jobs require is a certain level of fame. This is the equivalent of faction in EnB. So, not only are some jobs extremely rare, they also require fame to even show up, making them much more difficult to obtain.

    Ok, now, this may be repeating a lot of what I said already, but I want to put it totally in EnB terms.

    Build terminals have a slot to input control items, which I know do not presently work. Include a slot at the job terminal for a similar item that is a reward from certain jobs that allows a player the choice to reset the jobs being offered. Otherwise, travel or time is needed to refresh the jobs offered.

    Jobs are already separated not only by location, but also level requirement. Add difficulty per level giving a more diverse selection and composition of group make up. Combat would be easy and obvious. Some you can take solo, some you can't.

    Trade jobs for groups could require the delivery/transport of more items/NPC's then you have inventory for, requiring more then one person in the group and a time limit to eliminate multiple trips on one toon. More difficult solo-able missions could have a time limit that requires a certain warp speed to complete. Tie in faction to these as well e.g. Red Dragon for a short cut through BBW.

    Explore jobs would follow the same lines as trade, but obviously explore jobs. Possibly add in for groups the exploration of certain points in multiple sectors. Combat job mobs spawn when the job has been accepted. Would it be possible to spawn "hidden" nav points for group explore jobs? Or spawn mobs, like the satallites in AP, that wander in a general vicinity and you have to find them. When found they could give information leading to the next objective until completion.

    Item rewards would provide more incentive to do jobs. In the case of an item that refreshes what jobs are available, that would boost the economy. Varied degree of difficulty in missions that don't spawn very often would create a demand for these items. An over exaggerated example would be something like, you have 100 Job Request Form v.2's. It might take 5,000 forms to get the job your looking for to spawn, or if lucky, it might take 50. If you run out, there will be a demand. You either take lower level jobs that reward these forms, or you buy them from players. Either way it works out.

    As I see it, nothing graphically would need to be added which isn't already in game. Other then a slot at the job terminal. Obviously NPC's can be added. Whether or not they can be used to turn in missions for rewards from jobs taken at a terminals, I don't know. Job terminals are already there. Questions concerning them would include, Can a slot be added, like what is on the Manufacturing terminal, allowing a player to refresh what jobs are available with an item? Can code be written or changed to provide a per individual choice of jobs? If so, Can jobs be made sharable for groups?

    Another thing not mentioned about jobs in UWO is, some of them give an advance reward. Upon forfeiting you lose the job and any credits/items that were given in advance. To prevent item farming of advanced item rewards, make them non-manu and non-trade-able.

    About difficulty per level. An example would be the jobs currently in game. They could be the equivalent of a 1 star job. An example of a level 50 group Trade job that is 10 stars could be something like:

    Requires: Engine Tech 3, Shield Tech 3
    Job Location: Net-7

    Pick up 100 (non-stackable) <item> from <location> in <sector> and deliver them to <station> in <sector> no later then <time limit>.

    The pick-up location could be a place like VT in an area that lower levels would have a difficult time with, like a radiation zone that requires a certain level of shield and higher level mobs. Drop off could be Antares for completion and then turn in back at n7 for whatever the reward is.

    The possibilities are endless.

    I know I'm missing some details, but the basics are all here.
    • Upvote 1
  9. One of the aspects of Earth and Beyond I always wanted were the three missing classes... the Terran Explorer, the Jenquai Trader, and the Progen Trader. Personally, I want to play the Terran Explorer... a trader who prospects? My two favorite parts of this game? BLISS! :) And when this game went emulator, and they said "We're bringing these three classes in," I was overjoyed!

    But when I loaded the game up, they were nowhere to be found on the selection list. Did I miss something? Do I need to download a patch or something? Is there an icon I didn't see? Please give me any insight on this. I really want to try these classes out.

    Thanks. :)

    You need to download the Character and Starship Creator Here. (If the link isn't working properly, it's in the download section of the forums).

    Main thing to remember is to right click on the desktop shortcut and add -noclassrestrictions to the target path. Once the creator is started use the arrows at the bottom of the screen to cycle through the classes to choose one of the new classes. Make sure to create the new character in a slot that is open on your in-game character select screen, otherwise it won't show up as it will NOT overwrite a slot that is already occupied.

    Hope this helps.

  10. I apologize for ruffling the feathers of the hardcore players. I'm not trying to be the devils advocate here.

    It doesn't really matter anyway as those particular friends quit playing. This game isn't for everyone I suppose. I was merely making a suggestion based on what we talked about.

  11. I'm trying to look at this from the point of view of someone that is playing the game for the very first time.

    Here's a little test that I did knowing exactly where I'm going..

    Class: Progen Warrior.

    Level: 1 (freshly made character, no nav points explored)

    Starting point, Arx Forgus

    Warp speed: 2000

    Destination: Net-7

    Time: 00:11:07 (Eleven minutes, seven seconds)

    next Destination: Joves Fury

    Time: 00:02:43

    Explore xp gained: 1 level + 71.46%

    Accomplished: Besides EL gained, absolutely nothing.

    Total time: 00:13:50

    So, almost 14 minutes of doing absolutely nothing but leaving the station, watching a ship fly and clicking on 4 gates. At level one, this isn't ever going change unless you have a faster PC and can get through gates faster and click on nav points faster. Warp start up and cool down is at a set rate, so that stays constant as a new player won't have access to these.

    What this doesn't include is, Looking up maps to see where you need to go or asking in new player chat where things are located (if you can even get an answer). Also not included is "natural explore" time, combat or trade of any kind to gain items that would help speed up anything.

    Next, going with the theory that it would totally nullify the need for a JE in the game. The closest Weft is in ABB, which requires a JE to have a minimum EL of 35. Total time from Arx Forgus to Helios weft, using the same PW is, 9 minutes. I don't know, or haven't met yet, a single JE that is willing to come to where you are located and create a wormhole. At EL 35, they still don't have the w/h to Carpenter or Endriago either. So to get to, let's say....Somerled, you would still have to travel through all the sectors to get there. With my first example of an hour to play, you just burned through at least half of that time doing nothing.

    As for "so called content", I'm not suggesting being able to "insta-warp" from the very beginning at level one. It would be something you would still need to accomplish through whatever means needed to get to that point. After all, we don't start with level 9 weapons, reactor, shields, etc at level one do we? (not to mention, some classes can't even get to level 9 in certain skills).

    Another thing would be, travel within a given sector would still need to be done "conventionally".

    And Jobs, I shouldn't go there, but I will. Jobs are a major pain. Sometimes the terminal will refresh with 9+ jobs, other times there is one. I'm picky about which jobs I take and most times it takes 3-5 refreshes (since the last change from 10 to 6) to get 6 that are going to the same place or anywhere near it.

    Almost ALL of the jobs that are even remotely close to a station are camped very heavily, which results in even more time waiting to even get 6...period. And this is with less then 300 players 99% of the time. What would that be like with 1000+ players? Near impossible and no where near worth the time it would take to do them. But that's a completely different suggestion topic.

    So again, using the same time frame of an hour to play, if you waited for the terminal to refresh 3-5 times, you might as well not even log in, because your play time is over before you even get started. First you would need to fly to a station that has jobs that you can actually take (unless you logged out there), then you need to get 6 jobs (which might be right off the bat or you may have to wait 2+ refreshes) then you need to fly to the area that your particular job is at, then fly back again.

    Let's not forget, that if you happen to crash at a gate, or leaving the station (because neither of those EVER happen) you just lost everything you just waited for and have no time to try again until the next available time you have to play.

    I am in no way complaining. Just stating facts. I like the game with all of it's pro's and cons it has now and realize it's no where near being finished.

    As I said, I'm trying to look at it from a new players point of view and "suggest" things to make it more appealing to those that don't like certain aspects, e.g. Travel time. Not to open up GM commands or anything else.

  12. I've had a few friends try the game, which was great. Unfortunately, they didn't like it due to various reasons. The top reason being the time it takes to get from sector to sector.

    After talking with them, out of curiosity, I asked what they'd like to see in a game like this to help resolve that issue. One of the suggestions was "Insta-warp". I can totally understand this. After all, part of playing a game is having fun with it.

    In some cases, when it takes 20 minutes to fly from one area to where ever your destination is, that's 20 minutes of wasted time. Gamers like to game, not watch a ship fly and do nothing except wait to get to a gate, go thorough and wait some more.

    In most cases, gaming is "time sensitive", meaning, most of us only have a certain amount of time that we can play. So, if it takes 20 minutes to get somewhere, and you only have an hour to play, you've just cut your game time to 40 minutes. We all know that 40 minutes in this game is nothing.

    Sure, you could always make a JE and cut some of the time down, but not everyone likes to play certain classes, and in the end, it's more time "wasted".

    So, how can this be corrected or help to be made more "gamer friendly" for those who don't have extended periods to play?

    One suggestion is, through exploration.

    As it is right now, there isn't much of an incentive to explore for most classes, other then xp. After a certain point, there is no more xp to be gained (or very little anyway). To increase this incentive, add more hidden navigation points. Once a sector has been completely 100% explored (all nav points found), implement a reward that grants a player to instantly warp from one gate to another. This could also be tied in with ones over-all level since not all classes have navigate. Another option would be based on Engine tech.

    As far as trade runs are concerned, this would be an obvious advantage. To correct that, tag "Insta-warp" like Wormhole. If you insta-warp, your cargo becomes worthless.

    Another way, and possibly more practical, would be through missions.

    There aren't a lot of missions mid level through high level and this would be one way to fill the gaps, so to speak. As a reward for each mission, create a device that is upgradable. As the device is upgraded, it would unlock more sectors with which you could "insta-warp" from gate to gate.

    In theory, this could actually be done several ways. Either through a device builder, through "trade in", or it could just be a non-manufacturable reward device that renders the lower one less desirable to use. An example of this would be the Jenquai bonus mission. The first device you receive is the Novice's Ward. Much later this can be discarded and replaced when you complete the mission for Sai'Li, which rewards you with Sai'Li's Circle.

    The beauty of device's is that they can be switched out easily and would make this much more practical as some of us do this with other devices anyway.

    None of this is needed immediately (if at all). In the long run though, if it can be done, it would make the game much less time consuming and more fun, not to mention, add some much needed content IMHO.

    Just a suggestion and food for thought.

  13. To list the members of a guild? Or to list the members of a particular guild who are in your current sector?

    Hehe, I knew I should have been more specific. :blink:

    What i meant was, To list the members of the guild that a person belongs to who are online. Similar to how the Friends list works, if not exactly like that.

    Gray out members in guild info that are offline, and "highlight" members who are on.

    Or.... A slash command (for now) that will show who, in your guild, is online.

    /who [Guild]

    /who [Guild name]

    /who [Guild you belong to]

    However it needs to be coded.

    I really don't see how knowing who is in your current sector at the time is useful. With so many people afk, there might be 30 people in a sector and only 5 or 6 actually active.

    Bottom line is, it would be nice to know if other guild members are online without having to ask in guild chat every time you log on. I think it would also be helpful if we didn't have to have our friends list occupied by every member in the guild and their alts, which as of right now, is the only way to do this (that I know of). That doesn't always work either, especially if they have checked "Only Friends can see my status".

    Not 100% positive any of this can be done, but it's a suggestion.

  14. Straight from the SVN files in ST3, so unless any of it has changed, this should be all of the titles.

    I had this made up into nice tables with all the info (Level progression, Weapon slots, Device slots, Cargo slots, etc.), but unfortunately, I no longer have that HDD as it failed and I lost all of my prior info. Managed to save this though.

    // TW (Enforcer) "Ensign","Lieutenant","Lt.Commander","Commander","Captain","Commodore","Admiral",

    // TT (Tradesman) "Prentice","Journeyman","Agent","Emptor","Guildsman","Magnate","Merchant Prince",

    // TE (Scout) "Cadet","Private","Corporal","Sergeant","Master Sergeant","Sergeant Major","Warrant Officer",

    // JW (Defender) "J'nai","D'nai","U'nai","Lai'shao","Dai'shao","Ten'shao","Ken'shao",

    // JT (Seeker) "Nan'Jeu","Zi'Jeu","Bo'Jeu","Hou'Jeu","Gong'Jeu","Wang'Jeu","Huangdi'Jeu",

    // JE (Explorer) "Aspirant","Initiate","Novice","Disciple","Adept","Master","Grandmaster",

    // PW (Warrior) "Legionaire","Centurion","Lancearate","Praefect","Legate","Consul","Proconsul",

    // PT (Privateer) "Quaestor","Aedile","Tribune","Praetor","Procurator","Triumvir","Imperator",

    // PE (Sentinel) "Inceptor","Librorum","Savant","Pedagogue","Doctrinaire","Magister","Magister Magna"

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