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Posts posted by Justus

  1. Instead of the stuff I just read and I play a TT and I am confused, I want to become a Progen Enforcer now...oh wait I am really confused.


    How about a logical step by step by Profession?


    It will get posted at some point and probably has in this message but we do not know it backward and forwards like you thus it is clear as mud to us and you.


    Please give step by step for Proggies then a step by step for Jenpies and Terrans. Estimated costs and if you really want to play spoiler then write a step by step guide with dialog. 



  2. How often does the Database update with the game?


    I looked up one of my builder toons and I do not show that I build Ogun Ammo or the Oguns and I have been using oguns for 2 weeks now and building the ammo.


    Just curious.



  3. The request was made by me because as builder going through and finding things as they were added to the list VS alpha sucks. For ammo builds I can see your point; however, there is a system that is already built in to drop lvls off the items you are looking for thus making the list shorter. At the top of the build you can select all lvl 1 items for instance and will only show you those items that are lvl 1 eliminating 2-9. It has been said time and again that the devs cannot change the client so they can only use server side enhancements. My suggestions would be ask the advocate to suggest to the devs to change the names of the ammo to what you are suggesting. It is only text and should not affect anything else.


    When I go to a vendor I first sorta alpha before I look for anything. Next Player advocate session I can ask for the ammo renaming or you can. I do not see what this would be an issue.



  4. I have a better idea. Do not make these raids special...you all talk of timers etc. Point being here as already mention 45 toons per forum account...if they could charge $$$ that would not be a reality because people would not be paying 9 x $10-15 a month for access. So leave it open make things a story line then all these people who have to have the latest and greats can get it and become bored. All the flames that went on in the "So this is interesting..." thread is crap.


    I got over WOW from all the bickering and pixel muscle flexing. Being on top DOES NOT Matter except to your egos. Devs can pull the plug then all the flames in the world will not do anyone a bit of good.  


    I believe all of those bitching about this need to take a step back and look at the big picture. If it cannot be worked out then please pull the plug and go somewhere else and drop trow and whip it out else where.


    Many people are tired of this, there will be other guilds that will be able to and will be doing these raids and I am sure someone will cry foul because it was their day and some guild not in the agreement came in and did their thing. 


    I really like this game and very happy there were some who decided to do there best to bring it back from the void. I really appreciate it...but this crap over raid bosses...really? Either make it so everyone can get it easily then there will be no bitching. Or just pull the mobs. Problem is solved.



  5. Pyryck,


    I had something similar unfortunately it was deleted years ago and i personally work better off spreadsheets. Your list is awesome question it do you or anyone else have the ability to pull this from the DB online and modify it. You show shield, engines etc but not which components to build those items.


    Can anyone pull those down so they can be added to the spreadsheets?


    IE: Engine X needs Component 1, Component 2, and Component 3 to build.


    Thank you in advance.



  6. Question....I have no idea about the Walking Nightmare device because I have not had one of these.


    Just a question on if this can work in the code.


    If the 20% or whatever it is suppose to be for Warrior classes is the issue but other class can obtain it...is there a way to use something like a case statement where if is is a NON Warrior class it drops the benefit to 12% or whatever is being argued about? IE Case/IF (class=Warrior,20%,12%) (I programmed many eons ago that is my basic showing here...or would this be to mathematically intensive to recalculate every time a weapon is fire let alone five? 


    If this could work then it could work with other devices that have similar benefits with different percentages for each class.


    If you say too intensive then that is that...just a thought.



    And again Thank you SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much for bringing this game back from the grave. I am a causal gamer and could care less if I cannot reach lvl 150 in a week or two.


    I am assuming then also once new content is added and people blow through it in three days and start to complain devs are going to do a fix to adjust levels to go up 10-20 etc then new content then add the panda class etc to keep people happy, or am I creating an image that could not possibly happen? j/k



  7. I wanted to throw in a piece here, this is not necessarily a good way of doing things; however, because this game is not a pay to play. If a person is botting then they are given 2 warnings.  After that delete the account, if that is taking it too far then delete the toon. This will solve the problem very quickly because that person will not want to spend countless hours re-leveling a toon and bot and have it deleted or the account deleted.  Deleting the account would go further by removing all the other toons that the bot is helping. Then again people could make an account with only a bot. Wither way it gets rid of the bot for a while and if they are tempted to do it again a quick delete of the toon takes care of it.



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