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Message added by Zackman

Please do NOT(!) chat here, this topic is for server related messages (crash, restarts etc.) so please post status reports for the live server only.




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According to https://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/net-7.org the site seems to be up. Wondering why it won't load for me at all. And I assume that this issue also has something to do why the server is shown as offline for me and some others. Anyone got an idea about how to solve this issue?


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11 minutes ago, Boinky said:

According to https://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/net-7.org the site seems to be up. Wondering why it won't load for me at all. And I assume that this issue also has something to do why the server is shown as offline for me and some others. Anyone got an idea about how to solve this issue?


It's not just you Boinky. I can't get in either.. and same for net-7.org - I get an HTTP 404 error. @Zackman, any chance someone can look into this for us? Though I am guessing it's probably very late now for you guys in the US.


EDIT: Sorry, it's not a 404 I get... it's completely unreachable (unable to connect).

Edited by Xiaolinmantis
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3 minutes ago, Xiaolinmantis said:

UPDATE: I managed to get in using a VPN. So there's a workaround for you, Boinky.. and any others having the same problem... until Zackman fixes it.


Thanks for the info @Xiaolinmantis
But it works only partially for me. I can access net-7.org again, but when trying to log into the game, I always get the message "Server failed to respond to login attempt"

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Server is operating normal, but i think the DNS update (fix from yesterday) is not around fully yet.

It takes up to 24h to propagate a zone/nameserver change around the world.


There was a problem with the net-7 domain auto-renewal, therefor the domain felt back to a default DNS configuration until KYP fixed it.

So if some of you still have problems, you could change your DNS server to googles public DNS, that one is fully updated.



I would not use that DNS permanently tho, for privacy reasons.


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PS. - for more technical guys:

If you do

nslookup net-7.org


on a command prompt and get an IP like 195.... you DNS are def. not updated yet.

Correct result/IP should be 38...



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Hm....there is no reason that a single IP (or frame) couldn't access the server, so i would rather start to check SSL proxy stuff.

I've heard in the past, that some of the U.S. providers are obv. doing some kind of SSL proxy crap...


The cert itself is fine (till monday, will replace it tomorrow anyway).




Make sure your provider (or you router itself) is not blocking UDP ports 3800 - 4000

Also your NAT setup should be "hole punching".

I also heard in the past, that most U.S. providers deliver routers with a crappy NAT setup.


Using VPN would help both -> all communication would be tunneled.

That alone is indicating a problem originating from some of the above described.

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Something weird is going on  i am losing connection to server/crashing out of the game it all started about 1:20 am pacific time for me  both the chat tools and the active game clients would lock up and then the server status app light started looking like a Christmas tree  blinking from green and red and back to green repeatedly 



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I think we crashed again  i was flying through 61 Cygni  when i noticed that server status app on all my computers turned red  and i was flying past the gate i was targeted on


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