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Folks, I can't say enough how much the new server stability is very much appreciated, but I have to state how frustrating the nightly server lag has become. This 12pm EST backup seems really off base. Religiously, every night from midnight to 1am, I'm being deadlocked about every 2 to 3 gates/wormholes because the server just can't seem to handle the load the backup is putting on it.

The worst part is, I have several Cali friends that were playing and have since stopped because this happens between 9 and 10pm their time. This is like prime time for them after dinner, get the kids to bed and finally settle down to do some R&R in the game. Is there a reason why we are still backing up at this time since the Emu has gone "live"?

I mean, ok, I'm 49, kids are gone and I can pretty much do dinner when I feel like it. But, I do run my own business and still have somewhat of a schedule I keep for work, food and play. Play time for me will usually go until 2, maybe 3am EST on days I've wrapped up my daily projects and can extend playtime for an hour. 12pm EST is just about the time I'm ramped up and trying to accomplish something in the game. The lag created during the backup has pretty much become a game killer for me once the frustration of "stuck", "end-task", restart game (rinse and repeat for an hour) happens each night.

So Devs. Is there any way, now that the member numbers have gone up post "live", and now that the game isn't "beta" any longer, that this nightly backup be pushed back a few hours to help solve this problem?
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There should/is no backup spooled at this time afaik?

Is this happening every night?


Of course this would explain a lot of problems ingame since timing is very essential for all game communication - when this gets lagged due to server backups, most funny things can/will happen, no doubt.



KYP is the server admin and might look it up again, maybe an old backup job is still sitting half-abandoned somehwere not fully removed/updated after the server management software was updated multiple times lately.

Unfortunatly that software is not really running smooth in some scenarios.


I can confirm this issue is still here. I am also confident that the problem will be resolved. it is only a matter of time.


I'll look into it, but know there's no current backup running at this time which would/should affect the game in any way. The data is backed up in the daytime work hours US EST.


Which is my play time, and causes a lot of discos, but I can live with it


Sorry, have to do it some time. :)


The alternative should be deterrent enough.

I'll look into it, but know there's no current backup running at this time which would/should affect the game in any way. The data is backed up in the daytime work hours US EST.

Kyp, it begins again. Precisely at 12:02, the lag started again. I'm now hanging at gates, wormholes and docking. So close to getting 100 too and can't get through 3 or more of the zone transitions without a hang. Network on my end checks out fine for everything else I hit.
It's that mysterious DNS issue it seems.  At least now it's still possible to play during this time.

Something for sure. Trouble is, I'm now stuck with 6 diplomats in my hold, docked at drop off station and the missions are gone from my log. Even connecting to global server is extremely slow when I'm trying to log back in.

Good job on giving a timeline for the issue guys.

This sort of dopey carry on from server can be a bugger to track down .... just glad its not me finding it !!

Load up on junk food and sugery drinks , sleep is not an option.

Its also possible that a server restart or nine may be necessary,  one would think while checking.

I could be wrong, according to my misses that  happens all the time.


The under paid , doing the impossible , for the ungrateful with the nonexistant  !!!!!!


Kidding ......


All the best


Another update guys. Seems I prematurely posted my last post. That night things continued to remain bad until about 1:35am.

Tonight was no different. Was running a full group tour and at 12:08, everything went south again. Actually had to cancel the tour short because we kept losing members of the group. Fortunately with all the drops, we were able to get away with no incaps (well, except the groupie that decided to AFK at the Freya gate, Akeron side. Chevez took a fatal shot at him).

I took an alt account though and was watching the logins/logouts. Logouts increased 10 fold and many of the logins were folks that had just logged out. I know you said there isn't any backup going on any longer at midnight, but something is still going haywire somewhere causing serious lag, drops and hangs at gates, wormholes and docking. Again, for me this is between 12m and 1 to 1:30am EST and is happing every night.

I have changed the time for the sql dumps just to see if this was causing it. Keep an eye out and let me know.

I have changed the time for the sql dumps just to see if this was causing it. Keep an eye out and let me know.

Thanks Kyp and will keep you posted.
Kyp, sorry to say, it doesn't appear that rescheduling the SQL dumps helped. 12:03am EST, left Aragoth Station with load of missions for Aragoth Prime, got stuck at load screen. End task, reloaded game, proceeded to Aragoth Gate from Valkyrie, got stuck again on gate to Aragoth Prime. End task, logged in again to land at Chernevog, got there without a lock, but it took about 4 times longer to actually get the docking screen. Seems the issue is still happening.

Still waiting for feedback from other guild mates.
Posted (edited)

Currently happening while this post is posted...


Might be good for me, because is 7:21am at me.. Not always staying up till morning :)

Edited by SiSL
Posted (edited)

Happening here as well, 12:15AM 1-21-2013 running jobs out of Charon Ploto Sector to Clark Docks, Gating, and Docking are affected  I get locked at the Map screen even though indicators say am gating, and loading, must exit client, an relog in at every gate.


confirmed, thought you should know



Edited by Brack

getting the same here.


Maybe check with the hosting company and see if there is some crazy network activity they can see that may not even be coming from this server?


I always have a command prompt open with it pinging sunrise.net-7.org while I play this game.

When I start to get disconnected at gates I will also see dropped pings. 

Always during the 12:00 EST lag I see a few dropped pings to the server.


I usually never have problems but I am noticing the same trend.


Midnight to 1 sometimes 2 am EST, I get lots of gatecrashes, Net-7 tray icon always indicates "Awaiting Master Handoff", but I sit there on the galaxy screen.


I let it sit for 15 minutes one time, no difference.  Have to right click net-7 tray icon, terminate client, then log back in.


If it helps for informational purposes, I have used both the name address "sunrise.net-7.org" and the ip address of the server, with no difference.


It may or may not be linked to the server lag problem, but is worth noting: at approx 12PM Est til about 1 Am est, (when most of the lag issues occur) The website, Net-7.org also goes offline, 


Is the message you get like "Server not found" (indicates DNS problem) or is the server found but the website timing out or returning something like "page not found" ? (note the essential difference).


Because the latter means the DNS is fine (server is found) but website itself is disabled.


I havent seen the DNS issue myself in about 2 weeks.  Things slow down and there are intermittent gatecrashes and so on, but the portal and my dev tools function normally, unlike when the DNS issue was happening Zack.


I am usually playing at this time and personnaly haven't had much trouble but have observed others having problems. One empirical observation it seems to me it hits people in groups a lot more than solo players. The one night it was a serious problem for me I was in a group trying to do a tour (which we had to cancel). It was mentioned by poster that he observed the logout trend, I have seen this too with a stream of maybe 15 logouts with no logins, followed by many of these same players logging back in.

Posted (edited)

I cant comment on gating issues last night , All though i can say we was doing a gate raid from around 12 to maybe 130 ish an i noticed little to no lag during that time . Unlike what  we have been seeing during this time of the night

Edited by Grips

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