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Net-7 Status - Partially Rebuilt


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What did we learn about networking our fire control and targeting computer systems?  Those Cylons are always causing trouble.

Thanks for all the hard work you guys are putting in.

Edited by saevel
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Great up an update... just missing the part that matters.   a rough timeline.  none of us want to be the last one back on in the game so many of us are checking multiple times a day.  so something like,  we are trying to have it restored this week.  or next week or next month would be great. 


in 50 years the only people i have gotten away with saying it will be done when its done is my kids.  everybody else wanted to at least have an idea of how long something would take.

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Guest Jennhei

Thank you.


For all the work, time, and effort spent getting the game back to working status, I understand some of the complexity behind the scenes. Plain and simple I would rather have everything thourough and done right before coming online than a speedy fix and months or years of issues and breakdowns.


I think everyone here is getting a little tense with the game down and that's understandable. So here's my statement to those people. If you played Live and was there the day it went offline. You moved on 

Be patient go explore or do something to occupy your time. Its not the end of world and the game will be back online eventually And it wont be years like the first time. 

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3 hours ago, Sinjen said:

KYP , I should just drop it but i really think you took what i said the wrong way.  now ill drop it.  


No anger here, just cold emotionless 'it is what it is'. :) Hopefully no hard feelings.

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Well I've known many of the Dev team for a long time and the efforts they have put into this world.  

I do play occasionally when time permits, and I was saddened to hear this news.

You all have the best people on the case.

With a little patience, the team will get things back up and running .. 


It's been a long time since I've spoken to some of you, I hope all is going well .. 


Yes, I am still here!!



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from my old IT days - you can do it on time, on budget or right. However, you can only do two of those.

Take your time. Do it right is the priority.  Thank you. 

I found this after years. I can wait a while again.

Just dropped a donation to try to assist on budget.  

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Thank you for the update, glad to hear it is progressing.  I also thank you for creating this thread here for those of us that have been curtailing FB and similar stuff.  I'm quite happy with the it's done when it's done approach.  I'll keep checking here to see how it's going and if you need testers or anything.  Thanks for all the effort from you and the rest of the team.

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