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UI & Game text font size

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Is it possible to change the non chat UI and game text font (like the right clicking information texts) to around 17? If it is please tell me how, I can't read the text currently which is making my getting back into EnB impossible.

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17 hours ago, Kyp said:

You can increase the size of the font from the in-game menus.

I did say "non chat font' I am looking to change the UI font size and the size of the text for item descriptions. I have gone through all in game menus and options and have not found the ability to change these. If you know of a way or maybe there is a command in game to do so please tell me how, or what the command is.

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18 hours ago, Woodstock said:

You might need to change your windows systems fonts 


My windows system is already set to a readable font, and has been since I found I had cataracts, the main reason why my vision isn't optimal. 

Karu I will give a lower resolution a try, though if you suggest a optimal lower resolution for a 55" monitor, that would be nice. Because of it's size I need to be around 6' back from it to take it all in.

Kyp  it would be optimal if there were a .pak file or a .ini I could modify to change the font. I had to do that to change Steam's UI font's, that was a convoluted task even with instructions.


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21 hours ago, Woodstock said:

You might need to change your windows systems fonts 

I see people doing it sometime and i think this is not a good idea at all.

Why? Windows is doing some scaling here, means: The font is technically still eg. 14px but the scaling puts it to eg. 22px.

EVERY software with layout like dialog boxes, list, db grids etc. will start to look very weird now, cutting letters, moving buttons, cause text on button is suddenly doing line breaks etc - and causing every admin / tech guy headache why the screen of user A looks weird while the screen of user B don't - tho both are using same PC, Monitor, gfx card and OS.

The ability to scale the fonts within windows was one of the worser ideas from MS.

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The best advise is the one, Karu gave.

You can run the settings tool from EnB and put the resolution down WHILE having the client full screen.
In this case the monitor is switching to that resolution and the font will appear bigger (due to the lower resolution).

Just to remember, that game is 4:3 and you should not chose a 16:9 resolution - o/w you get a sick aspect ratio.
I would start fullscreen 1024 X 800 and go from there.

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