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I sent you the mp :)

here are some samples that can be used for engine, reactor, devices, i have about 30 of them, maybe more.











Edited by laracraft
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The other thread wasn't the right place to say it, but what I have is a C++ version of the server. I remember it being 2009 when I was playing and had the server source. But that was also long enough ago that who knows. Maybe I'm crazy. What I have is a full source code and DB copy. I could run an active multiplayer server (granted, nowhere near as complete as what yall have) right now. Well, if I felt like reinstalling visual studio. It's got tons of bugs, and doesn't stay up anywhere near as long as your current server.


This is not me bragging or being abrasive. I am simply laying out facts. You're one guy. You have a life. I'd hate having to support this game 24x7 too; I've been on-call a lot, I hated it. What was being offered, fundamentally, was yet another door people could knock on when you were off doing life stuff. Maybe I would be in a place to fix it while you were away. I get it, you get abused constantly. I was not being mean.


Here (was) net7.cpp

// Net7.cpp

#include "Net7.h"
#include "ServerManager.h"
#include "UDPConnection.h"

//DIMA: I don't think these are needed
#define MASTER_INSTANCE_MUTEX_NAME	"Net7 Master Server Instance Mutex"
#define SECTOR_INSTANCE_MUTEX_NAME	"Net7 Sector Server port %d Instance Mutex"

#pragma comment(lib, "wsock32.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "libmySQL.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "ssleay32.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "libeay32.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "lua.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "luabind.lib")

char g_MySQL_User[MAX_PATH];
char g_MySQL_Pass[MAX_PATH];
char g_MySQL_Host[MAX_PATH];
char g_Galaxy_Name[MAX_PATH];
int g_DASE = 0;

char g_LogFilename[MAX_PATH];
char g_InternalIP[MAX_PATH];
char g_DomainName[MAX_PATH];
unsigned long g_StartTick;

long g_Sector_Start = 973;
long g_Max_Space_Sector = 9000; //2210;

bool g_Debug = false;
bool g_ServerShutdown = false; // Terminated the global Server

ServerManager * g_ServerMgr = 0;
GMemoryHandler * g_GlobMemMgr = 0;
PlayerManager * g_PlayerMgr = 0;
StringManager * g_StringMgr = 0;
ItemBaseManager * g_ItemBaseMgr = 0;
AccountManager * g_AccountMgr = 0;
SaveManager	  * g_SaveMgr = 0;

void Usage()
	printf("Net7 Usage:\n\n");
	printf("to run the main server:\n");
	printf("   Net7 /MASTER /ADDRESS:(ip address)\n\n");
	printf("to run a sector server:\n");
	printf("   Net7 /PORT:3500 /ADDRESS:(ip address) /MAX_SECTORS:(num sectors) /ALTSECTORS\n\n");

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    // Let the user know when this was compiled for reference purposes
    printf("Net7: Built on %s, at %s\n\n",__DATE__, __TIME__);
    g_StartTick = GetTickCount();

    bool standalone = false;
    bool master_server = false;
    bool sector_server = false;

    long port = SECTOR_SERVER_PORT;
    char address[32];
    char *domain = "";
    char *max_sectors_str = new char[4];
	char *server_name;
	char mutex_name[80];

	//sprintf(max_sectors_str, "10");
	//sprintf(max_sectors_str, "74");

	g_MySQL_User[0] = 0;
	g_MySQL_Pass[0] = 0;
	g_Galaxy_Name[0] = 0;
	g_DASE = false;


	FILE *f = fopen(CONFIG_FILE, "r");
    if (f)
        fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END);
        long file_size = ftell(f);
        fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET);
        char *data = new char[file_size + 1];
        if (data)
			char *Info;
			char *VarName;
            long size = fread(data, 1, file_size, f);
            data[size] = 0;
			VarName = strtok(data, "=");
			Info = strtok(NULL, "\n");
				if (!_strcmpi(VarName, "domain")) 
					strcpy(g_DomainName, Info);
				if (!_strcmpi(VarName, "internal_ip")) 
					strcpy(g_InternalIP, Info);
				if (!_strcmpi(VarName, "mysql_user")) 
					strcpy(g_MySQL_User, Info);
				if (!_strcmpi(VarName, "mysql_pass")) 
					strcpy(g_MySQL_Pass, Info);
				if (!_strcmpi(VarName, "mysql_host")) 
					strcpy(g_MySQL_Host, Info);
				if (!_strcmpi(VarName, "galaxy_name")) 
					strcpy(g_Galaxy_Name, Info);
				if (!_strcmpi(VarName, "use_dase"))
					g_DASE = atoi(Info);
				VarName = strtok(NULL, "=");
				Info = strtok(NULL, "\n");
            while(Info != NULL);

            delete [] data;
		char filedata[128];
        printf("Error opening %s\n", CONFIG_FILE);
		sprintf(g_DomainName, "local.net-7.org");
		sprintf(filedata, "domain=local.net-7.org\nmysql_user=enb\nmysql_pass=enbserver\nmysql_host=localhost:3307\nmysql_db=net7\ngalaxy_name=Cassiopeia");
		f = fopen(CONFIG_FILE, "w");

	// if no galaxy name set one!
	if (g_Galaxy_Name[0] == 0)
		strcpy(g_Galaxy_Name, "Cassiopeia");

	printf("MySQL: Host: %s, User: %s\n", g_MySQL_Host, g_MySQL_User);

    // No arguments indicate a standalone server via localhost
    for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++)
	    if ((strncmp(argv[i], "/DOMAIN:", 8) == 0))
            domain = argv[i] + 8;
        else if ((strncmp(argv[i], "/MASTER", 7) == 0) && !master_server)
            master_server = true;
    		server_name = "Master Server";
		    strcpy(mutex_name, MASTER_INSTANCE_MUTEX_NAME);
		    sprintf(g_LogFilename, "%sNet7_server", SERVER_LOGS_PATH);
		    LogMessage("Net7 Master Server (Auth:%d, Global:%d, Master:%d)\n",
        else if ((strncmp(argv[i], "/PORT:", 6) == 0) && !sector_server)
            sector_server = true;
		    port = atoi(argv[i] + 6);
		    sprintf(mutex_name, SECTOR_INSTANCE_MUTEX_NAME, port);
		    server_name = "Sector Server";
		    sprintf(g_LogFilename, "%ssector_server_port_%d", SERVER_LOGS_PATH, port);
		    LogMessage("Net7 Sector Server (Port %d)\n", port);
        else if ((strncmp(argv[i], "/MAX_SECTORS:", 13) == 0) && sector_server)
		    max_sectors_str = argv[i] + 13;
            g_Max_Space_Sector = 4595;
        else if (strncmp(argv[i], "/ALTSECTORS",11) == 0)
            g_Sector_Start = 1910;
            g_Max_Space_Sector = 4595;
        else if (strncmp(argv[i], "/ALLSECTORS",11) == 0)
            g_Sector_Start = 973;
            g_Max_Space_Sector = 4595;
			sprintf(max_sectors_str, "300");
            printf("ALL SECTORS flag\n");
        else if (strncmp(argv[i], "/STARTSECTOR:",13) == 0)
            g_Sector_Start = atoi(argv[i]+13);
            printf("Starting at Sector %d\n", g_Sector_Start);
		else if (strncmp(argv[i], "/DEBUG", 6) == 0)
			g_Debug = true;
            printf("DEBUG flag\n");
            printf("Unrecognized switch: '%s'\n", argv[i]);

	printf("Domain set to: %s\n", g_DomainName);

#ifdef WIN32
    // Winsock startup
    WSADATA	wsaData = {NULL};
	WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsaData);

	if (strlen(domain)>0)
		strcpy(g_DomainName, domain);

	struct hostent * host = gethostbyname(g_DomainName);
	if (!host)
        int err = WSAGetLastError();
        printf("Unable to resolve IP address for %s (error=%d)\n", g_DomainName, err);
    unsigned char *ip = (unsigned char *) host->h_addr;
    sprintf(address, "%d.%d.%d.%d", ip[0], ip[1], ip[2], ip[3]);

    if (!master_server && !sector_server)
		sprintf(g_LogFilename, "%sNet7_server", SERVER_LOGS_PATH);
		LogMessage("Net7 Standalone Server (Auth:%d, Global:%d, Master:%d \n\tMaxSectors: %s Version: %d.%d-%s%s Build %d)\n",
        standalone = true;
        LogMessage("Net7 IP addr = %s\n", address);

    if (master_server && sector_server)
        printf("Can't combine /MASTER and /PORT switches\n");

	unsigned long ip_address_internal = inet_addr(g_InternalIP);
	unsigned long ip_address = inet_addr(address);

    long max_sectors = atoi(max_sectors_str);

    if ((port < 3500) || (port > 32767))
        printf("Invalid /PORT specified for Sector Server\n");

    if ((max_sectors < 1) || (max_sectors > 300))
        printf("Invalid /MAX_SECTORS specified for Sector Server\n");

#ifdef WIN32
    // First, make sure we only have one instance of the Global Server running
    HANDLE instance_mutex = ::CreateMutex(NULL, TRUE, mutex_name);
    if (instance_mutex == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
		::MessageBox(NULL, "Error creating instance mutex", "Net7", MB_ICONERROR);

    // if we did not create this mutex then .. another instance
    // is already running
    if (::GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS)
        // close the mutex
		::MessageBox(NULL, "Another instance of the Net-7 Server is already running", "Net7", MB_ICONERROR);

    // Delete the previous log file and start a new one
    ServerManager server_mgr(master_server, ip_address, (short) port, (short) max_sectors, standalone, ip_address_internal);

	//MVAS Login UDP connection - needs to be done after global memory manager setup.


#ifdef WIN32
    // Winsock cleanup

#ifdef WIN32

    return 0;

unsigned long GetNet7TickCount()
    return (GetTickCount() - g_StartTick);

// Functions added for Linux port
#ifndef WIN32
unsigned long GetCurrentDirectory(unsigned long size, char *path)
    if (getcwd(path, size) < 0)
        return 0;
    return (strlen(path));

int SetCurrentDirectory(const char *path)
    if (chdir(path) < 0)
        return 0;
    return 1;

void Sleep(unsigned long dwMilliseconds)
    usleep((unsigned int) dwMilliseconds * 1000);

bool DeleteFile(const char *file)
    return (!remove(file));

long GetTickCount()
    timeval tv;
    gettimeofday(&tv, 0);
    return (tv.tv_sec * 1000) + (tv.tv_usec / 1000);



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3 minutes ago, Doctor said:

The other thread wasn't the right place to say it, but what I have is a C++ version of the server. I remember it being 2009 when I was playing and had the server source. But that was also long enough ago that who knows. Maybe I'm crazy. What I have is a full source code and DB copy. I could run an active multiplayer server (granted, nowhere near as complete as what yall have) right now. Well, if I felt like reinstalling visual studio. It's got tons of bugs, and doesn't stay up anywhere near as long as your current server.


This is not me bragging or being abrasive. I am simply laying out facts. You're one guy. You have a life. I'd hate having to support this game 24x7 too; I've been on-call a lot, I hated it. What was being offered, fundamentally, was yet another door people could knock on when you were off doing life stuff. Maybe I would be in a place to fix it while you were away. I get it, you get abused constantly. I was not being mean.


Here (was) net7.cpp

// Net7.cpp

#include "Net7.h"
#include "ServerManager.h"
#include "UDPConnection.h"

//DIMA: I don't think these are needed
#define MASTER_INSTANCE_MUTEX_NAME	"Net7 Master Server Instance Mutex"
#define SECTOR_INSTANCE_MUTEX_NAME	"Net7 Sector Server port %d Instance Mutex"

#pragma comment(lib, "wsock32.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "libmySQL.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "ssleay32.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "libeay32.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "lua.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "luabind.lib")

char g_MySQL_User[MAX_PATH];
char g_MySQL_Pass[MAX_PATH];
char g_MySQL_Host[MAX_PATH];
char g_Galaxy_Name[MAX_PATH];
int g_DASE = 0;

char g_LogFilename[MAX_PATH];
char g_InternalIP[MAX_PATH];
char g_DomainName[MAX_PATH];
unsigned long g_StartTick;

long g_Sector_Start = 973;
long g_Max_Space_Sector = 9000; //2210;

bool g_Debug = false;
bool g_ServerShutdown = false; // Terminated the global Server

ServerManager * g_ServerMgr = 0;
GMemoryHandler * g_GlobMemMgr = 0;
PlayerManager * g_PlayerMgr = 0;
StringManager * g_StringMgr = 0;
ItemBaseManager * g_ItemBaseMgr = 0;
AccountManager * g_AccountMgr = 0;
SaveManager	  * g_SaveMgr = 0;

void Usage()
	printf("Net7 Usage:\n\n");
	printf("to run the main server:\n");
	printf("   Net7 /MASTER /ADDRESS:(ip address)\n\n");
	printf("to run a sector server:\n");
	printf("   Net7 /PORT:3500 /ADDRESS:(ip address) /MAX_SECTORS:(num sectors) /ALTSECTORS\n\n");

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    // Let the user know when this was compiled for reference purposes
    printf("Net7: Built on %s, at %s\n\n",__DATE__, __TIME__);
    g_StartTick = GetTickCount();

    bool standalone = false;
    bool master_server = false;
    bool sector_server = false;

    long port = SECTOR_SERVER_PORT;
    char address[32];
    char *domain = "";
    char *max_sectors_str = new char[4];
	char *server_name;
	char mutex_name[80];

	//sprintf(max_sectors_str, "10");
	//sprintf(max_sectors_str, "74");

	g_MySQL_User[0] = 0;
	g_MySQL_Pass[0] = 0;
	g_Galaxy_Name[0] = 0;
	g_DASE = false;


	FILE *f = fopen(CONFIG_FILE, "r");
    if (f)
        fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END);
        long file_size = ftell(f);
        fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET);
        char *data = new char[file_size + 1];
        if (data)
			char *Info;
			char *VarName;
            long size = fread(data, 1, file_size, f);
            data[size] = 0;
			VarName = strtok(data, "=");
			Info = strtok(NULL, "\n");
				if (!_strcmpi(VarName, "domain")) 
					strcpy(g_DomainName, Info);
				if (!_strcmpi(VarName, "internal_ip")) 
					strcpy(g_InternalIP, Info);
				if (!_strcmpi(VarName, "mysql_user")) 
					strcpy(g_MySQL_User, Info);
				if (!_strcmpi(VarName, "mysql_pass")) 
					strcpy(g_MySQL_Pass, Info);
				if (!_strcmpi(VarName, "mysql_host")) 
					strcpy(g_MySQL_Host, Info);
				if (!_strcmpi(VarName, "galaxy_name")) 
					strcpy(g_Galaxy_Name, Info);
				if (!_strcmpi(VarName, "use_dase"))
					g_DASE = atoi(Info);
				VarName = strtok(NULL, "=");
				Info = strtok(NULL, "\n");
            while(Info != NULL);

            delete [] data;
		char filedata[128];
        printf("Error opening %s\n", CONFIG_FILE);
		sprintf(g_DomainName, "local.net-7.org");
		sprintf(filedata, "domain=local.net-7.org\nmysql_user=enb\nmysql_pass=enbserver\nmysql_host=localhost:3307\nmysql_db=net7\ngalaxy_name=Cassiopeia");
		f = fopen(CONFIG_FILE, "w");

	// if no galaxy name set one!
	if (g_Galaxy_Name[0] == 0)
		strcpy(g_Galaxy_Name, "Cassiopeia");

	printf("MySQL: Host: %s, User: %s\n", g_MySQL_Host, g_MySQL_User);

    // No arguments indicate a standalone server via localhost
    for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++)
	    if ((strncmp(argv[i], "/DOMAIN:", 8) == 0))
            domain = argv[i] + 8;
        else if ((strncmp(argv[i], "/MASTER", 7) == 0) && !master_server)
            master_server = true;
    		server_name = "Master Server";
		    strcpy(mutex_name, MASTER_INSTANCE_MUTEX_NAME);
		    sprintf(g_LogFilename, "%sNet7_server", SERVER_LOGS_PATH);
		    LogMessage("Net7 Master Server (Auth:%d, Global:%d, Master:%d)\n",
        else if ((strncmp(argv[i], "/PORT:", 6) == 0) && !sector_server)
            sector_server = true;
		    port = atoi(argv[i] + 6);
		    sprintf(mutex_name, SECTOR_INSTANCE_MUTEX_NAME, port);
		    server_name = "Sector Server";
		    sprintf(g_LogFilename, "%ssector_server_port_%d", SERVER_LOGS_PATH, port);
		    LogMessage("Net7 Sector Server (Port %d)\n", port);
        else if ((strncmp(argv[i], "/MAX_SECTORS:", 13) == 0) && sector_server)
		    max_sectors_str = argv[i] + 13;
            g_Max_Space_Sector = 4595;
        else if (strncmp(argv[i], "/ALTSECTORS",11) == 0)
            g_Sector_Start = 1910;
            g_Max_Space_Sector = 4595;
        else if (strncmp(argv[i], "/ALLSECTORS",11) == 0)
            g_Sector_Start = 973;
            g_Max_Space_Sector = 4595;
			sprintf(max_sectors_str, "300");
            printf("ALL SECTORS flag\n");
        else if (strncmp(argv[i], "/STARTSECTOR:",13) == 0)
            g_Sector_Start = atoi(argv[i]+13);
            printf("Starting at Sector %d\n", g_Sector_Start);
		else if (strncmp(argv[i], "/DEBUG", 6) == 0)
			g_Debug = true;
            printf("DEBUG flag\n");
            printf("Unrecognized switch: '%s'\n", argv[i]);

	printf("Domain set to: %s\n", g_DomainName);

#ifdef WIN32
    // Winsock startup
    WSADATA	wsaData = {NULL};
	WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsaData);

	if (strlen(domain)>0)
		strcpy(g_DomainName, domain);

	struct hostent * host = gethostbyname(g_DomainName);
	if (!host)
        int err = WSAGetLastError();
        printf("Unable to resolve IP address for %s (error=%d)\n", g_DomainName, err);
    unsigned char *ip = (unsigned char *) host->h_addr;
    sprintf(address, "%d.%d.%d.%d", ip[0], ip[1], ip[2], ip[3]);

    if (!master_server && !sector_server)
		sprintf(g_LogFilename, "%sNet7_server", SERVER_LOGS_PATH);
		LogMessage("Net7 Standalone Server (Auth:%d, Global:%d, Master:%d \n\tMaxSectors: %s Version: %d.%d-%s%s Build %d)\n",
        standalone = true;
        LogMessage("Net7 IP addr = %s\n", address);

    if (master_server && sector_server)
        printf("Can't combine /MASTER and /PORT switches\n");

	unsigned long ip_address_internal = inet_addr(g_InternalIP);
	unsigned long ip_address = inet_addr(address);

    long max_sectors = atoi(max_sectors_str);

    if ((port < 3500) || (port > 32767))
        printf("Invalid /PORT specified for Sector Server\n");

    if ((max_sectors < 1) || (max_sectors > 300))
        printf("Invalid /MAX_SECTORS specified for Sector Server\n");

#ifdef WIN32
    // First, make sure we only have one instance of the Global Server running
    HANDLE instance_mutex = ::CreateMutex(NULL, TRUE, mutex_name);
    if (instance_mutex == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
		::MessageBox(NULL, "Error creating instance mutex", "Net7", MB_ICONERROR);

    // if we did not create this mutex then .. another instance
    // is already running
    if (::GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS)
        // close the mutex
		::MessageBox(NULL, "Another instance of the Net-7 Server is already running", "Net7", MB_ICONERROR);

    // Delete the previous log file and start a new one
    ServerManager server_mgr(master_server, ip_address, (short) port, (short) max_sectors, standalone, ip_address_internal);

	//MVAS Login UDP connection - needs to be done after global memory manager setup.


#ifdef WIN32
    // Winsock cleanup

#ifdef WIN32

    return 0;

unsigned long GetNet7TickCount()
    return (GetTickCount() - g_StartTick);

// Functions added for Linux port
#ifndef WIN32
unsigned long GetCurrentDirectory(unsigned long size, char *path)
    if (getcwd(path, size) < 0)
        return 0;
    return (strlen(path));

int SetCurrentDirectory(const char *path)
    if (chdir(path) < 0)
        return 0;
    return 1;

void Sleep(unsigned long dwMilliseconds)
    usleep((unsigned int) dwMilliseconds * 1000);

bool DeleteFile(const char *file)
    return (!remove(file));

long GetTickCount()
    timeval tv;
    gettimeofday(&tv, 0);
    return (tv.tv_sec * 1000) + (tv.tv_usec / 1000);



Don't worry, my feelings don't hurt easily. It was the tone of your post that prompted my response in the same tone. Given that we give no representation or requirement that we're up 'most of the time' such as a profit business might, 9 hours is not all that long. Probably wouldn't have been that long even if I'd seen it last night before running out of steam, but I didn't.

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But for what it's worth I can tell from the code you've shared that it was the early version multiplay server shortly after we got it working. Most variables for stuff like single-player have been removed in the modern code.

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