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  1. Thanks :) I included it like that cause I ended up missing it somewhere in the reinstallation process on my end, and it was good to have as a backup. I'll make a note of it.
  2. Ok. So I keep thinking that all this information scattered through now-9 pages of geekery, head-desking, and babbletext is a little unfair to any other Linux-using fans of the game (even for the stubborn ones like me :P) So I'm going to try and capture it all down into a single post, for everyone's sake (and Karu's sanity <3). DISCLAIMER: The following command line entries are for Debian-related distributions. If you use a Gentoo fork or RedHat/Fedora/Mandriva fork, take into consideration that not all entries can be simply copypasted to your Terminal as is (i.e. sudo, apt-get). Triple check before you hit Enter! :) ----- 1. Like Nintenduh covered in his last update, check if you have direct rendering: glxinfo|headname of display: :0 display: :0 screen: 0 direct rendering: Yes server glx vendor string: SGI server glx version string: 1.4 server glx extensions: GLX_ARB_create_context, GLX_ARB_create_context_profile, GLX_ARB_fbconfig_float, GLX_ARB_framebuffer_sRGB, GLX_ARB_multisample, GLX_EXT_create_context_es2_profile, GLX_EXT_framebuffer_sRGB, GLX_EXT_import_context, GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap, GLX_EXT_visual_info,----- If you do not see this ^ sudo apt-get install mesa-utilsI also recommend checking the DLLs list after you have winetricks installed/updated to a version that supports its GUI feature (see next step). ----- 2. If you have an older version of Wine, I recommend updating it. I am personally using 1.7.33 (slightly behind the current development release) Follow the instructions here You will also need: wine-gecko wine-mono sudo apt-get install winetricksor winetricks And, for winetricks, I very strongly recommend a version that enables the GUI. ----- 3. From the home page, download: eandb_demo.exe Net-7_Install.exe CharacterStarshipCreator.exe Also download: Karu's Net7Patcher.exe (see page 8 a link to its binary, if you prefer that) >> I recommend saving a copy of all of these files to a backup location. << ~Optional Backup Link~ >> cdata.dat << ----- 4. Next, you will need a copy of the Net-7 certificate. As listed on page 8: openssl s_client -showcerts -connect sunrise.net-7.org:443CONNECTED(00000003) depth=0 C = US, ST = California, L = Redwood City, O = Earth and Beyond Emulator Team, CN = local.net-7.org verify error:num=18:self signed certificate verify return:1 depth=0 C = US, ST = California, L = Redwood City, O = Earth and Beyond Emulator Team, CN = local.net-7.org verify return:1 --- Certificate chain 0 s:/C=US/ST=California/L=Redwood City/O=Earth and Beyond Emulator Team/CN=local.net-7.org i:/C=US/ST=California/L=Redwood City/O=Earth and Beyond Emulator Team/CN=local.net-7.org -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIEXjCCA0agAwIBAgIJAPG68MePx4ElMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBQUAMHwxCzAJBgNV BAYTAlVTMRMwEQYDVQQIEwpDYWxpZm9ybmlhMRUwEwYDVQQHEwxSZWR3b29kIENp dHkxJzAlBgNVBAoTHkVhcnRoIGFuZCBCZXlvbmQgRW11bGF0b3IgVGVhbTEYMBYG A1UEAxMPbG9jYWwubmV0LTcub3JnMB4XDTA2MTExNzA1MDc0OVoXDTE2MTExODA1 MDc0OVowfDELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxEzARBgNVBAgTCkNhbGlmb3JuaWExFTATBgNV BAcTDFJlZHdvb2QgQ2l0eTEnMCUGA1UEChMeRWFydGggYW5kIEJleW9uZCBFbXVs YXRvciBUZWFtMRgwFgYDVQQDEw9sb2NhbC5uZXQtNy5vcmcwggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3 DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQC6QcORGKhRRxacABgKNxa7e4iJB1N+ENf+aCG/ wQAtUUb0xMCJYXiq1ak3MRjAdJymjeI9+08NAtuFJpQ4WxSD+cXal5XyUWJQRjVM AaWLDydJThx+6aOTuWkD4hCIFQMjK6w49/OsFNkMPX/7H4LoqaHJ+8XcCv0OB98S 6Ef+oF1VOBfqCCdA/yhlzsy77xniMS2qQ0X+Xk+QngvUGsFfkRzeSuRUhGqvXmQk Bp8tMyBFWaxdtPez1FdL7UgV9SilZngNIIj36BY4is6sc8wjwDoYeEWJ7SYE/jSD L11uSAfCtRDvefiHD4LStrupmYIA/gob62vQAl/YyGb2/JdpAgMBAAGjgeIwgd8w HQYDVR0OBBYEFCVi8KRpKo8jt2LW5c5EdtuUXpqJMIGvBgNVHSMEgacwgaSAFCVi 8KRpKo8jt2LW5c5EdtuUXpqJoYGApH4wfDELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxEzARBgNVBAgT CkNhbGlmb3JuaWExFTATBgNVBAcTDFJlZHdvb2QgQ2l0eTEnMCUGA1UEChMeRWFy dGggYW5kIEJleW9uZCBFbXVsYXRvciBUZWFtMRgwFgYDVQQDEw9sb2NhbC5uZXQt Ny5vcmeCCQDxuvDHj8eBJTAMBgNVHRMEBTADAQH/MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBQUAA4IB AQCOddKmdlH4ijR8gb+VndKl/kiTPozwcJG8aIz5thD7JIwInIpuXogAmnhex6xV CZscV9oBAXneRnIIQpT7asmdk+R+l/gIEqpgI78Rriu3Ojv9uNhDrcD44Np5C0ur fielYw8uWXVo5vLruaOKbtC1XmPXEYPym+5NmPQUglO9JO0QGUy+9LsUIFkk+7zI ptMbpiVIIYtFl4x1STK7ugs03OxtuE/XL/CJCX5wqPsBM/35KperU6WNE36BXDD+ JvIy/7Sc8BDco35N8GrE8hH9oaCijMTgQZoKNMU4Ip91vyIr5DwYAqGFJU2dlWca faqF4+372jLWDXc1D4o2Kd51 -----END CERTIFICATE----- --- Server certificate subject=/C=US/ST=California/L=Redwood City/O=Earth and Beyond Emulator Team/CN=local.net-7.org issuer=/C=US/ST=California/L=Redwood City/O=Earth and Beyond Emulator Team/CN=local.net-7.org --- No client certificate CA names sent --- SSL handshake has read 1433 bytes and written 631 bytes --- New, TLSv1/SSLv3, Cipher is AES256-SHA Server public key is 2048 bit Secure Renegotiation IS NOT supported Compression: NONE Expansion: NONE SSL-Session: Protocol : TLSv1 Cipher : AES256-SHA Session-ID: 1BAE204D1241F08BD30BBCCE651348628D82056A5426E33369B4C3B2C2B38A43 Session-ID-ctx: Master-Key: 62C3610CABF7BADC51CD949394C7B3639497B3767FC04C259180D969EEC91DAE4F9FCE3BCDAA43C61E1D0593E9F3AB85 Key-Arg : None PSK identity: None PSK identity hint: None SRP username: None TLS session ticket: 0000 - 99 09 26 3d fc 4b 03 ed-a2 f3 17 f9 4c aa 33 85 ..&=.K......L.3. 0010 - be a9 3b 46 fe 6c 4d 5a-4d 68 0a 07 5e dc 2c 96 ..;F.lMZMh..^.,. 0020 - f9 a9 62 89 ed 0e 1c 32-77 d9 0c 0e ef 4d 60 ad ..b....2w....M`. 0030 - da 34 9c af 13 3f c9 68-78 f6 61 ff 82 5a 67 59 .4...?.hx.a..ZgY 0040 - 84 97 56 74 d0 ac 4a 7d-4c d4 2e a6 af 7e 60 2d ..Vt..J}L....~`- 0050 - ce 05 0a 94 2c ea d6 33-a9 55 de 45 97 ca 84 f4 ....,..3.U.E.... 0060 - 22 6e c7 27 88 3f 02 8c-76 87 dc 90 2d f9 93 2e "n.'.?..v...-... 0070 - c6 02 7b 2c 5a 6a 74 68-14 a8 c0 ac 95 2a 57 79 ..{,Zjth.....*Wy 0080 - 0e 32 a8 2d 9a b8 07 26-14 80 7f bd a9 d2 6b f5 .2.-...&......k. 0090 - bc 35 48 d0 e3 2b 77 5c-5d f7 eb 74 d0 64 07 3a .5H..+w\]..t.d.: Start Time: 1424372055 Timeout : 300 (sec) Verify return code: 18 (self signed certificate) --- closedIn a program like Kate (I use KDE), copypaste the readout from -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- to -----END CERTIFICATE----- Save it as 'sunrise.net-7.org.crt' Keep a copy in a backup location (I chose to store mine in the 'trusted-certs' directory, which, for me, is located in '/usr/share/doc/dirmngr/examples/' ----- 5. Next, run this command line: WINEPREFIX=/home/user/.wine-enb wine rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL "C:\windows\system32\inetcpl.cpl"If this ^ doesn't work, check how Karu posted it on page 8. Running this command line should generate a new Wineprefix with a hidden directory labeled .wine-enb Note: Make sure you use WINEPREFIX=/home/user/.wine-enb before all commands associated with the installation from this point forward. Using the 'export' command will not guarantee that everything -particularly installation files- goes to the proper Wineprefix directory. The command line should generate a GUI window. In that window, proceed with the following: Content tab Certificates button Trusted Root Certification Authorities tab Import button Click 'Next' & locate the directory where you stored sunrise.net-7.org.crt Click 'Next' & select Automatically select certificate store Click 'Next' & then 'Finish' & it should successfully import the certificate. Close out of the GUI ----- 6. ~Optional~ If you run this command line: WINEPREFIX=/home/user/.wine-enb winetricks --guiThis should generate a GUI window for winetricks. Select the default Wineprefix (which was declared when you ran the command line) and hit 'Ok' Here, you can (among other things): check your DLL list Change settings (EnB needs Wine to run as Windows XP) Run winecfg (under Graphics, you may want to uncheck all of the Window settings, as I have encountered errors with them enabled) And, if you really mess up (like a did a few times :P): 'Delete ALL DATA AND APPLICATIONS INSIDE THIS WINEPREFIX' (remember I said to make sure you have a backup of your installation files? This is why). The last option is a complete purge of that Wineprefix, and will allow you to start from scratch (see the instruction line for enabling the Net-7 certificate). ----- 7. INSTALLATION in your Terminal, change directory ('cd') to where you have stored your backup files for installation. >> 7a. WINEPREFIX=/home/user/.wine-enb wine start eandb_demo.exeRun the Installer. When creating the directory where files will be stored, I highly recommend simplifying it. i.e.: I chose to install in 'C:\Program Files\EnB' (which translates to '/home/user/.wine-enb/drive_c/Program\ Files/EnB' outside of Wine) And, I believe that Karu chose to install directly to 'C:\EnB' (which translates to /home/user/.wine-enb/drive_c/EnB' outside of Wine) Regardless what you choose, you will want to manually enter the directory path. I had issues with keeping the installation in the correct Wineprefix when I clicked to select the installation location. >> 7b. WINEPREFIX=/home/user/.wine-enb wine start Net-7_Installer.exeInstall Net-7 as a subdirectory of where you installed EnB: i.e. 'C:\Program Files\EnB\Net-7' and remember to manually enter the directory path. >> 7c. WINEPREFIX=/home/user/.wine-enb wine start CharacterStarshipCreator.exeI personally installed this to: 'C:\Program Files\EnB\CnSC' I also went to the directory location after the installation (via Dolphin, for the ease of using a GUI), and renamed 'Character & Starship Creator.exe' to 'CnSC.exe' >> 7d. After you have installed the three main files, you will want to change directory ('cd') to where you have the backup downloads. You will want to copy Net7Patcher.exe to the same directory containing LaunchNet7.exe and net7proxy.exe. If you are not using a GUI, use the following command: cp Net7Patcher.exe -t /home/user/.wine-enb/drive_c/EnB_Directory/Net-7/binModify 'user' and 'EnB_Directory' as applicable. >> Check if cdata.dat is already located in '/home/user/.wine-enb/drive_c/EnB_Directory/Net-7/bin' If, after running the Net7Patcher (see below), refer to the backup link and make sure it is copied over. << ----- 8. Next, run this command line: WINEPREFIX=/home/user/.wine-enb wine start Net7Patcher.exe --stdout --net7 "C:\EnB_Directory\Net-7" --client "C:\EnB_Directory\release"As above, modify 'user' and 'EnB_Directory' as applicable. Also, you will want to change directory ('cd') to /home/user/.wine-enb/drive_c/EnB_Directory/EBCONFIG Run the command line: WINEPREFIX=/home/user/.wine-enb wine start E\&BConfig.exe(Note: by the time I had to go through this process several times, I started including the WINEPREFIX in everything. :P) Here, you will be able to set the resolution of the game. I use a larger, external screen, so I moved the slider from the default settings to 1920x1080. You will also have a choice of Bilinear, Trilinear, or Anisotropic graphics. Click 'Apply' and then 'Ok' ----- 9. ENTERING THE GAME After you have added a Game Account via the menu option on http://www.net-7.org, you can enter the game via either of the following command prompts: WINEPREFIX=/home/user/.wine-enb wine wine start "C:\EnB_Directory\Net-7\bin\net7proxy.exe" /LADDRESS:0 /ADDRESS: /CLIENT:"C:\EnB_Directory\release\client.exe" /POPT /EXREORDER /DMLor WINEPREFIX=/home/user/.wine-enb wine explorer.exe /desktop=EnB,1920x1080 "C:\EnB_Directory\Net-7\bin\net7proxy.exe" /LADDRESS:0 /ADDRESS: /CLIENT:"C:\EnB_Directory\release\client.exe" /POPT /EXREORDER /DMLI prefer to use the latter method, as it "safeguards" the resolution I set for the game with the resolution of my screen (even if I set it to fullscreen under the same resolution settings). Also, if you happen to have chosen a smaller resolution, with a Windowed setting, this is definitely the better choice. Enter the game, wave hello to Megan, and click 'Cancel' on the popup dialogue. This will load the login screen. Enter your linked account information, and you should be good to go. :) * * 0Oo. Accessing the three new character classes via Linux .oO0 * * Figuring this out involved much head-desking on my behalf! Thankfully, no bruises were acquired. :P Step a. The Definitely Easy Part change directory ('cd') to '/home/user/.wine-enb/drive_c/EnB_Directory/CnSC_Directory' Run the command line: WINEPREFIX=/home/user/.wine-enb wine explorer.exe /desktop=EnB_CnSC,1920x1080 CnSC.exe -noclassrestrictionsCnSC.exe will run, no matter what you do, at an 800x600 resolution. I found out the hard way that this can seriously mess with my desktop resolution settings if I don't align it to run windowed in a virtual enviroment (Mine auto-collapses to just show the windowed CnSC application against my Linux desktop, which is nice). Your next steps will be similar to how 'Magoo described it in his guide thread. > Use the arrow keys at the bottom to select the "hidden" extra classes. > Once you select one of the extra classes, you can cycle through special skins using 'N' > Do not try to customize your appearance if you use 'N' > After you finish making your new character, click 'Next' to return to the main list of creatable character slots. > You will have defaultly created a character in slot #1. > Quit the CnSC > Follow 'Magoo's instructions if you already have a character in that slot, in the game. Steb b. The Hopefully Easy Part This is where I discovered that making sure you use WINEPREFIX is so important. Provided that everything installed correctly, you should be able to find the new Avatar#.dat (where # is 1-6) located in this approximate directory: '/home/user/.wine-enb/drive_c/users/Public/Application Data/Westwood Studios/Earth and Beyond/Character and Starship Creator/' the 'user' directory pertains, as above, to your user identity. the 'users' directory does not pertain, as above, to your user identity. So, if your Avatar#.dat file is located in this approximate directory, IN THE CORRECT WINEPREFIX! <--- Then you should automatically import the character to your account the next time you log in to the game via the command line listed above. ----- >> I initially encountered some issues with the game crashing when I first attempted this, but I attributed it to having initially messed up the installation process, and overlooking something. However, if this happens for you, make sure all the important installation files are backed up and purge the Wineprefix (via the winetricks GUI) and start over.
  3. Yes, I attempted to reinstall a few times using the correct Wineprefix... short of purging EnB and all downloaded installation files and starting over from literally scratch. And yes, I do see the dialogue you are referring to, so thanks. :) ----- Purging is exactly what I did... Also, I think there might have been an error with using the GUI to set the custom installation path. I am beginning to suspect that it might have 'defaulted' to the .wine directory (it only shows the directory paths as you would see them on a hypothetical WinXP machine, so it's only a best guess). I haven't quite gotten around to trying to run the Creator again. I'm still double-checking the reinstallation process. Will update soon. ----- It works :) I had to completely purge the entire .wine-enb Wineprefix and start over (including re-accepting the certificate... but yay for having already troubleshooted that resolution <3). I couldn't tell you what I missed before. But I will say -for anyone who follows in my footsteps- triplecheck every letter, / and symbol (and \ for spaces and &) before you enter into each installation. ----- Though, sadly, it seems that the game crashes when I try to log in with the character I created in the CnSC. Crash Dump Edit: It appears to be crashing when I try to login with any character, now. New development, as I was successfully ingame for an hour or so last night. ----- Going thru the process again, nitpicking over anywhere I could have overlooked (again). Update: I chose NOT to run enb-up.exe this time, in the process of reinstallation. It doesn't really make sense that that would necessarily be the reason, but I'm ingame on my CnSC created character <3 Also: I am fairly positive that I don't have an enb.reg file. Is it safe to make it in Kate? If I did, where should it be stored?
  4. I checked the authlogin.log file and it's trying to connect to the EA servers instead of sunrise.net-7.org or login.net-7.org LaunchNet7.exe still won't run (presumably because of that other libgluezilla issue) I am running via:   WINEPREFIX=/home/user/.wine-enb wine start "C:\Program Files\EnB_Emu\Net-7\bin\net7proxy.exe" /LADDRESS:0 /ADDRESS: /CLIENT:"C:\Program Files\EnB_Emu\release\client.exe" /POPT /EXREORDER /DMLSo why is it not recognizing the ISP for the Net-7 server? -----   WINEPREFIX=/home/user/.wine-enb wine explorer.exe /desktop=EnB,1920x1080 "C:\Program Files\EnB_Emu\Net-7\bin\net7proxy.exe" /LADDRESS:0 /ADDRESS: /CLIENT:"C:\Program Files\EnB_Emu\release\client.exe" /POPT /EXREORDER /DMLIt works \\\\^-^//// Except the character I made in the Character and Starship Creator didn't transfer over. So now I gotta figure that out. :P Karu, you are the definition of awesome. Do you think there's a way to update the first post to this so other Linux users don't have to swim through all the post-babble I've put you through :P ? ----- Still can't get the char file I made in the Character and Starship Creator to transfer over. I haven't created any characters after logging into the game, yet. I'm mostly concerned with the fact that the Creator says something about "once you install the full retail version" at the end of the process. ----- So what if the creator is saving the created character but not? I certainly can't find any .dat file that seems to be the correct one (and there is definitely no Avatar1.dat) There is something to be said for Agent Ransack (although it crashes the moment you click on any search results). So I located Avatar1.dat And I was able to pinpoint that the Creator keeps sending the finished character to the wrong wineprefix. I went so far as to delete the other wineprefix, for now, and make sure to set the wineprefix I want when I run the Creator. However, the game is still not recognizing the character from the Creator process. I'll keep this post updated if I make any further progress. ----- If I run the Creator under the Wineprefix /home/user/.wine-enb, then I am able to go through the process, but it does not save the .dat file to that Wineprefix directory. If I run it without declaring the Wineprefix, it will re-setup /home/user/.wine and create a .dat file there. I am, thusfar, unable to get the game to recognize the .dat file in the other wineprefix. But, I can create a character in the game itself and enter the game, thanks to your awesome help, Karu. So thanks. :)
  5. I should have asked, instead, if it's all right to use a case sensitive password. What's the INV-301 mean?
  6. Aye, I did that a long time ago. It says I have 1 Game Account and 8 free spots remaining. My main password uses symbols in it (pretty sure I used the same password when I linked the Game account, but now it doesn't want me to use symbols). I don't mind re-linking. Is there a way to clear out the first link I made? ----- This is after I linked a new game account:
  7. I will definitely remember that. So, I've managed to progress to no INV-300 (no popup at all... is that a good thing?), but Megan keeps saying she is unable to validate my login information.
  8. It's not that they are extra so much as winetricks --gui gives an easy way to get the DLLs you need... has a rather large list of them, but I'd say I have less than half in all honesty. I'm running 1.7.33 But I knew that already cause I upgraded my Wine when I switched to SparkyLinux and upgraded my Debian kernel. So, after I changed the WINEPREFIX (back) to /home/user/.wine-enb, and it took the time to create the configuration directory (that didn't happen the first time). Then it paused while it updated. Then it loaded the gui for inetclp.clp. This time it didn't crash when I selected the tab for Trusted Root Certification Authorities :) So why is it that it created the directory this time and not the first time? At any rate, I now have a trusted certificate listed for local.net-7.org :) But now I need to relocate the game to the new prefix >.>; I'll let you know how the game loads once I finish that. :) ----- INV-300 Not nearly so happy to see it this time. >.> ----- In more positive news, this: WINEPREFIX=/home/user/.wine-enb wine Net7Patcher.exe --stdout --net7 "c:\Program Files\EnB_Emu\Net-7" --client "c:\Program Files\EnB_Emu\release" worked beautifully for me.
  9. I know! >.< ... >.> My head kept saying "check if there's a permission error, like almost everything else you try to do" -- especially cause the error concerning my driver/X server/$DISPLAY didn't make much sense to me. $ xterm -version XTerm(312) Yes, I can run winecfg The WINEPREFIX is modified from what you posted already. My default WINEPREFIX is /home/user/.wine The readout was the same with and without sudo. But now there's an update. I ran winetricks --gui, reselected the default WINEPREFIX, and checked the DLLs as well as the settings. It appears that something I did there "fixed" part of the problem, because I was able to initially load the gui for inetcpl.cpl. However, when I went to click the tab for 'Trusted Root Certification Authorities', the gui crashed with this bug report and this:
  10. Well, now that I know "run this" referred to the command line containing "inetcpl.cpl" in specific, then I can post the following, and maybe you have some insight concerning it. Any gui that I interacted with previously, had to do with opening the listed .crt/.pem in the default Kleopatra and seeing if they were the correct alternative for the "Trusted Root" section. I did that because I had previously attributed "run this" to refer to the command line: "openssl s_client -showcerts -connect sunrise.net-7.org:443" And I had interpreted 'Content -> Certificates -> Trusted Root Certification Authorities' to be a directory path. So I mixed things up, sorry. So then this would appear to be the relevant problem (that I've been trying to research without much luck):   WINEPREFIX=~/.wine wine rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL c:/windows/system32/inetcpl.cpl No protocol specified No protocol specified Application tried to create a window, but no driver could be loaded. Make sure that your X server is running and that $DISPLAY is set correctly. and WINEPREFIX=~/.wine wine rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL "c:\windows\system32\inetcpl.cpl" No protocol specified Application tried to create a window, but no driver could be loaded. Make sure that your X server is running and that $DISPLAY is set correctly. I have run both of the above commands as user, sudo and root with no difference to be noted. ----- locate inetcpl.cpl ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32/inetcpl.cpl /root/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32/inetcpl.cpl /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/wine/inetcpl.cpl.so /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/wine/fakedlls/inetcpl.cpl locate rundll32.exe ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32/rundll32.exe /root/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32/rundll32.exe /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/wine/rundll32.exe.so /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/wine/fakedlls/rundll32.exe locate shell32.dll ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32/shell32.dll /root/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32/shell32.dll /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/wine/shell32.dll.so /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/wine/fakedlls/shell32.dll Additional note: As far as I am aware, my drivers are all up to date (according to my Device Driver Manager). The last time I messed around with alternative drivers (my laptop's native screen was dying, and I had not determined if it was a hardware problem), I ended up crashing my OS to shell and was forced to reinstall. :P
  11. I do not have anything resembling 'Content -> Certificates -> Trusted Root Certification Authorities' I did locate: Atos_TrustedRoot_2011.crt Atos_TrustedRoot_2011.pem Comodo_Trusted_Services_root.crt Comodo_Trusted_Services_root.pem DigiCert_Trusted_Root_G4.crt DigiCert_Trusted_Root_G4.pem All of these opened with Kleopatra but would not import sunrise.net-7.org.crt (should I have saved it otherwise?) Kleopatra returns a BER error every time. I also found a directory called 'trusted-certs' under '/usr/share/doc/dirmngr/examples/trusted-certs/' that contained pre-existing .crt files I moved sunrise.net-7.org.crt to this directory for now. ----- Advice?
  12. Does the entire readout need to be copied or just the segment marked by: -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- -----END CERTIFICATE----- ----- Hey now, what's foolish about not over-customizing the directory location during installation :P ? ./laugh Anyway, I'll get started on your instructions right away. :)
  13. I like you, Soda. You make me giggle. :P And what is this lovely little bit of information from Karu, now? /investigates ----- Looks like .NET is going to be a little [Censored]. Fair warning, the error readout is long and ugly.
  14. I'm back to the INV-300. :) Is it sad that I'm actually happy to see that error? :P Also, interestingly enough, cdata.dat never replaced an existing file (I moved it to /Net-7/bin, in the EnB_Emu directory). It should have occurred to me to check if everything was where it should be after I reinstalled during our previous troubleshooting. I never took them out of the .bat file. I just tried different combinations with the manual command entry. :P
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